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Any other examples of stop motion?

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Presentation on theme: "Any other examples of stop motion?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Any other examples of stop motion?
How many of you have done a stop motion animation before? What is the process? What are the different types of stop motions? 

2 Different Types of Stop Motion Animation
Inanimate object White board Cut-out objects People Claymation What is an inanimate object? Objects that do not move by themselves. They are not living What kind of animation is this? What kind of materials did they need?

3 Basic Process 1) Pre-Production: Storyboarding 2) Production: Filming
3) Post Production: Editing, Music, Title These are the basic steps we will be using and we will get into more depth tom about them. Show my example of cut-out animation

4 TIM BURTON Why does he relate to our project?

5 American film director, stop motion animator, writer, artist

6 Armatures These are the structures under the clay which support the characters movement.

7 Project Create a 30 sec. stop motion animation short. Must haves:
You must take a minimum of 300 exposures. The 300 will consist of 4 of the camera shots and angles discussed next. Two of each. Lets brainstorm some objects we could use. What kind of materials id they need? Student example of white board Her morning elegance- shows up the possibilities as a career. Student example Her Morning Elegance

8 Backgrounds

9 Camera Angles Eye-level Low angle High angle Overhead Under head
Why do you think camera angles are important?

10 Camera Shots Long shot Full shot Medium shot Close-up Extreme close-up
When would you use each type of camera shot?

11 Camera Shots and Angles
In your journals not the different types of shots and angles draw a small picture to go along with it.

12 Some More Examples

13 Storyboarding キ James Rafter, Final White Board
Why do you think it was important to use a storyboard for this animation? All commercials, movies, tv shows are all Storyboarded out. What did you notice about this type of animation? What is different about it? キ James Rafter, Final White Board

14 Storyboarding Use a different square when you change angle or shot.
Long shot, overhead angle to Close up overhead angle




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