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Science Fair Ideas.

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1 Science Fair Ideas

2 Do watches keep the same time?
Which cheese grows mold the fastest? What brand of raisin cereal has the most raisins? Which dish soap makes the most bubbles? Do ants like cheese or sugar better? What color of birdseed do birds like best? What kind of juice cleans pennies best? Do suction cups stick equally well to different surfaces?

3 Which paper towel is the strongest?
In my class, who has the biggest feet, boys or girls? In my class, who has the smallest hands, boys or girls? Does temperature affect the growth of plants? Will bananas brown faster on the counter or in the refrigerator? Does a plant grow bigger if watered with milk or water? What holds 2 boards together better, a nail or a screw? Does an ice cube melt faster in air or water?

4 Can things be identified by just their smell?
Does warm water freeze faster than cool water? Which materials absorb the most water? Which brand of popcorn pops the most kernels? Which brand of diaper holds the most water? What type of cleaner removes ink stains the best? Which plastic trash bag is the strongest? Does temperature affect the results of a soft drink challenge? Does sugar prolong the life of cut flowers? Do all colors fade at the same rate?

5 What kind of glue holds two boards together better?
Does the width of a rubber band affect how far it will stretch? How far can a water balloon be tossed to someone before it breaks? Will seedlings planted upside down grow upside down? Which color of fishing lure catches the most fish? Do girls or boys my age have better short-term memory? Do fluorescent lights last longer than filament bulbs?

6 How does surface area affect evaporation time?
Which battery last longest? What is the most common roadside litter in my community? Which water purifier works best? Does noise pollution affect the growth of plants? Which sunblock works the best?

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