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Chapter 6 Warm Ups.

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1 Chapter 6 Warm Ups

2 1) Vehicles. Suppose that 46% of families living in a certain county own a car and 18% own an SUV. The Addition Rule might suggest, then, that 64% of families own either a car or an SUV. What’s wrong with that reasoning?

3 1) Vehicles. Suppose that 46% of families living in a certain county own a car and 18% own an SUV. The Addition Rule might suggest, then, that 64% of families own either a car or an SUV. What’s wrong with that reasoning? A family may have both a car and an SUV. The events are not disjoint, so the Addition Rule does not apply.

4 2) Speeders. Traffic checks on a certain section of highway suggest that 60% of drivers are speeding there. Since 0.6 x 0.6 = 0.36, the Multiplication Rule might suggest that there’s a 36% chance that two vehicles in a row are both speeding. What’s wrong with that reasoning?

5 2) Speeders. Traffic checks on a certain section of highway suggest that 60% of drivers are speeding there. Since 0.6 x 0.6 = 0.36, the Multiplication Rule might suggest that there’s a 36% chance that two vehicles in a row are both speeding. What’s wrong with that reasoning? When cars are traveling close together, their speeds are not independent. For example, a car following directly behind another can’t be going faster that the car ahead. Since the speeds are not independent, the Multiplication Rule does not apply.

6 3) Lefties. Although it’s hard to be definitive in classifying people as right- or left-handed, some studies suggest that about 14% of people are left-handed. Since 0.14 x 0.14 = , the Multiplication Rule might suggest that there’s about a 2% chance that a brother and a sister are both lefties. What’s wrong with that reasoning?

7 3) Lefties. Although it’s hard to be definitive in classifying people as right- or left-handed, some studies suggest that about 14% of people are left-handed. Since 0.14 x 0.14 = , the Multiplication Rule might suggest that there’s about a 2% chance that a brother and a sister are both lefties. What’s wrong with that reasoning? There may be a genetic factor making handedness of siblings not independent. The Multiplication Rule does not apply.

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