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The French Revolution:

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Presentation on theme: "The French Revolution:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The French Revolution:

2 Marie Antoinette & Louis XVI
The French Monarchy: Marie Antoinette & Louis XVI 2

3 Population of France, 1787 >1% 2% 97% 3

4 Percentage of Income Paid in Taxes

5 The Estates General Voting Model as Proposed by the Third Estate: Vote by Population
300 648 300 In this model, voting was based on the number of delegates at the Estates General, where each delegate would receive 1 vote. Thereby, the Third Estate could defeat the other two, more influential estates

6 The Estates General Voting Model: The Medieval Model (Vote by the Estates)
1 1 1

7 Financial Problems in France, 1789
Urban Commoner’s Budget: Food % Rent % Tithe % Taxes % Clothing 20% TOTAL 170% King’s Budget: Interest % Army % Versailles 25% Coronation 10% Loans % Admin % TOTAL % 7

8 The French Urban Poor 8

9 Convening the Estates General: May, 1789
Last time it was called into session was 1614! 9

10 Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes
1st What is the Third Estate? Everything! 2nd What has it been heretofore in the political order? Nothing! 3rd What does it demand? To become something therein! Abbé Sieyès 10

11 “The Third Estate Awakens”
The commoners finally presented their credentials not as delegates of the Third Estate, but as “representatives of the nation.” They proclaimed themselves the “National Assembly” of France. 11

12 “The Tennis Court Oath” by Jacques Louis David
June 20, 1789: Pledge to create a new constitution 12

13 Storming the Bastille, July 14, 1789
A rumor that the king was planning a military coup against the National Assembly. The Bastille was a prison/armory. 18 died. 73 wounded. 7 guards killed. It held 7 prisoners [5 ordinary criminals & 2 madmen]. 13

14 The Great Fear 1789: Waves of panic and violence throughout the French countryside

15 Socio-Economic Data, 1789 Major Problems that lead to the French Revolution: 1. Enlightenment ideas Economy Weak leadership of Louis XVI 15

16 National Constituent Assembly 1789 - 1791
Liberté! Egalité! Fraternité! August Decrees August 4-11, 1789 (A renunciation of aristocratic privileges!) 16

17 The WHITE of the Bourbons + the RED & BLUE of Paris.
The Tricolor (1789) The WHITE of the Bourbons + the RED & BLUE of Paris. Citizen! 17

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