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Question tags Level 5.

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1 Question tags Level 5

2 Question tags Form: 1. Positive Statement + Negative Tag
2. Negative Statement + Positive Tag

3 1. Positive Statement It is very warm, isn’t it?
Positive Statement Negative Tag It is very warm, isn’t it?

4 is /am / are / do / does / did…. it/he/she/ they/you /I/there/ we/…
A negative tag ???? an auxiliary verb pronoun + n’t + is /am / are / do / does / did…. it/he/she/ they/you /I/there/ we/… not

5 e.g. 1. You have played the piano, haven’t you?
2. Mary can play the piano, can’t she? 3. David will play the piano, won’t he?

6 Negative Statement + Positive Tag
It isn’t very warm, is it?

7 A positive tag ??? pronoun an auxiliary verb
+ is / am / are / do / does / did…. The subject of the sentence--- it / he / she / they / you / I / there / we /

8 e.g. 1. You haven’t played the piano, have you?
2. Mary can’t play the piano, can she? 3. David won’t play the piano, will he?

9 exercise: I shouldn’t talk in the library, ______ I?
2. John was ill yesterday, _______ he? wasn’t 3. It is a beautiful house, ______ it? isn’t

10 exercise: 4. The train goes at twelve o’clock, ______ it?
doesn’t 5. There aren’t many cows on the field, _______ there? are 6. They didn’t eat anything, ______ they? did

11 exercise: 7. The party will begin soon, _______ it?
won’t 8. You have bought a dress, ________ you? haven’t 9. We don’t have to bring a camera, ___ we? do

12 Positive + negative verb tag negative + positive verb tag
You’re 20, aren’t you? You aren’t 20, are you? They came back, didn’t they? They didn’t come back, did they? You have lost it, haven’t you? You haven’t lost it, have you? I’ll be back by 10, won’t I? I won’t be back by 10, will I?

13 g f e c a b h d Tag questions Won’t he? He was an engineer Will he?
Have they? Has she? Is she? Aren’t you? Wasn’t he? Don’t you? He was an engineer You’re from Pasto Maria isn’t an actress They’ve been here before He’ll be home soon You study here She hasn’t met you He won’t finish on time f e c a b h d

14 Snow ball fight You’re from France, She broke a world record,
They haven’t seen us He won’t tell anybody That house looks nice We didn’t see that film,

15 Snow ball fight It hasn’t rained for months, You will come tomorrow
The shop doesn’t open at 6, You stopped smoking, You like Lisa, You don’t study here,

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