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Forms of Government Who has the POWER?.

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1 Forms of Government Who has the POWER?

2 State (local) versus National Power
In a UNITARY government, all power is given to one central, national government. For example, that would be like DC making all laws, and states having no say in anything. In a CONFEDERATION government, the states have all the power. For example, Arnold would make whatever laws he wanted, and not worry about the president. In a FEDERALIST government, power is split between the state and federal governments. For example, in the United States we have both state laws AND national laws. Each has certain powers.

3 How much power does the leader have?
In a DICTATORSHIP (or TOTALITARIAN) government, the leader has complete control over every aspect of civilian life. Think Fidel Castro in Cuba, or Adolf Hitler in WWII Germany.

4 Other Non-Democratic Governments
Socialism- A philosophy based on the idea that the benefits of economic activity should be fairly distributed. Fascism- a centralized, authoritarian government, that glorifies the state over the individual. Communism- An ideology which calls for the collective, or state ownership of land and other productive property.

5 Who has the power to CHOOSE the leader?
In a PRESIDENTIAL government, the leader is elected directly by the people. In the US we have a PRESIDENTIAL system (even though the Prez. is really chosen by the Electoral College) In a PARLIAMENTARY government, the people choose a Parliament (group who makes laws) and those people choose a leader (called the Prime Minister). Great Britain has a parliamentary system.

6 How much power does the Legislative branch have ?
In a BICAMERAL legislature, there are TWO groups that make laws. This way power is split up between more people. For example, the United States has the Senate and the House of Representatives. In a UNICAMERAL legislature, there is only one group who makes the laws. Power is then concentrated in a smaller group of people. For example, Japan has the DIET.

7 How much power do the PEOPLE have?
In a DIRECT DEMOCRACY, people vote on every single issue. People create the laws and regulations. In a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY, people choose representatives to serve in the legislature. Those people make laws on BEHALF of their constituents. With COMPLUSORY VOTING, citizens are required to vote; they do not have a choice.

8 How is the power of the PEOPLE protected?
The power of the people is protected with a Constitution, which guarantees the format of the government and the rights of the people in writing (which makes it hard to change). The rights of the MINORITY are also important to protect. Minority rights are protected by a BILL OF RIGHTS, because equal rights are given to all. They are also protected by a REPRESENTATIVE democracy, since representatives should vote on the behalf of ALL people.

9 How much power do the COURTS have?
With an INDEPENDENT JUDICIARY, judges are NOT elected by the people. Instead, they are appointed by the leader. An INDEPENDENT JUDICIARY is important because if judges were voted in, they would only do what the people wanted JUDICIAL REVIEW is the power of the courts to review and declare unconstitutional acts of other branches of government

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