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Ch 13 KI #3.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 13 KI #3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 13 KI #3

2 Why Do Inner Cities Face Distinctive Challenges?
Inner-city physical issues Most significant = deteriorating housing Filtering – subdividing large houses into smaller apartments for rent by lower-income people Redlining – drawing lines on a map to identify areas in which banks will refuse to loan money




6 Why Do Inner Cities Face Distinctive Challenges?
Public housing reserved for low income households, must pay 30 percent of income for rent


8 Why Do Inner Cities Face Distinctive Challenges?
Urban renewal – cities buy “run down” areas from landowners, clear the site and build new roads and utilities

9 Why Do Inner Cities Face Distinctive Challenges?
Renovated housing Gentrification – middle-class people move into deteriorated neighborhoods and renovate the housing.

10 Why Do Inner Cities Face Distinctive Challenges?
Inner-city social issues The underclass An unending cycle of social and economic issues Homelessness Culture of poverty Elvis “In the ghetto”

11 Why Do Inner Cities Face Distinctive Challenges?
Inner-city economic issues Eroding tax base Cities can either reduce services or raise taxes Impact of the recession Housing market collapse

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