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By; Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 11/29/2012 8th Grade

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1 By; Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 11/29/2012 8th Grade
The Hound

2 Student 1:. I live 6 miles out of Ava, Mo on AF highway
Student 1: I live 6 miles out of Ava, Mo on AF highway. I have 6 acres, and a small yard. There is me, and I am 14, there is my brother Bryse, and he is 10, and there is my mom and dad. We have a cat named, Jerry, and I have a Plott Hound named Sandy, down at my grandpas. Student 2: I live 3 miles out of town. I have two cats, and 3 dogs. There names are bow, buzz, and Rome. Student 3: I live 4 miles out of town. I have 3 cats there names are max, kasha, and tom.

3 I Would Like to Purchase a Plott Hound.
We would like to purchase a Plott Hound, because they are great dogs. A hound is smart, you can train them for inside a house, or just keep them outside. There are two types of hounds a Sight Hound, or a Scent Hound. A scent hound is mostly used for hunting, because of their long noses. A sight hound is also used for hunting, but this hound uses sight to find its game. It does not hunt so much with its nose.

4 Needs For A Hound Hounds need a proper type of food, and a proper amount of food. It depends on if you use your hound or not for hunting. If you do, you have to give them a lot of water every few hours, because they can get dehydrated fast. These dogs, depending on if you are going to keep them in a house or not, need a area of their own. If not, you need to buy a big dog house, because these dogs will get pretty big. Plus, where ever they will be staying, they need shade and sunlight, And in the dog house you should put hay to keep them warm. A hound needs to have lots of exercise. Most people, they use hounds for hunting and that gives them lots of exercise, but if not you need to let your hound off its chain, or out of the house for at least an hour everyday.

5 We know we can own a Hound, because we will do what ever we can to buy the dog a big dog house. And we will give it lots of water and food. The brand of food we would buy for a hound is a good brand; such as Pedigree. We would also give it lots of exercise and attention. We would give it exercise by taking it coon hunting as often as we could. This dog would become a big member in our loving family.

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