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Round from pull of gravity over time

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Presentation on theme: "Round from pull of gravity over time"— Presentation transcript:

1 Round from pull of gravity over time
Size & Shape About 24,000 miles around Radius 6400 km Round from pull of gravity over time Any object larger than 700 km will become a circle

2 Composition Crust: ____ & ______ Mantle: _______ (Magnesium, Iron, Silicon) Liquid Core & Solid Core _____________

3 Separation of materials by density is Seismic Waves (_________)
How can we tell? Density Separation of materials by density is Seismic Waves (_________)

4 P waves __________ travel in _____________
S waves _______waves only travel through _________

5 Heat 2 theories Earth began hot and attracted more mass and gained heat from the ________ Generated heat from _______________

6 Age of Earth 4.5 billion years

7 _________- heated matter expands and rise
Heat causes motion _________- heated matter expands and rise ________ – stretching and spreading of crust _________- one plate slides under another

8 1912 ________________________
Alfred Wegener 1912 ________________________ __________________ All continents began together Evidence: ______________

9 2 theories ________ collisions ________ explosions
Atmosphere 2 theories ________ collisions ________ explosions

10 Atmosphere protection
_______ (O3) block UV radiation ________- trapped heat from the Sun

11 __________ Effect from currents in molten core protects us from charged particles from the Sun ________- belts of trapped radiation

12 Coriolis Effect/ Magnetism

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