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Since we enjoyed learning about how the Cyrillic Alphabet originated and how it looks and sounds so different from our alphabet, let’s have a little fun….

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Presentation on theme: "Since we enjoyed learning about how the Cyrillic Alphabet originated and how it looks and sounds so different from our alphabet, let’s have a little fun…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Since we enjoyed learning about how the Cyrillic Alphabet originated and how it looks and sounds so different from our alphabet, let’s have a little fun…. GPS 4b

2 Assignment: Pick up a ½ sheet of white sheet of paper.
Divide it in half – hamburger style – by drawing a line. On the top half - Write your name – fancy or fun style– first and last name. Decorate it however you want. On the bottom half – write you name (first and last again) in CYRILLIC! – first and last names. Some of you may not have all the letters you need. Try to find a letter that makes the SOUND of that letter in Cyrillic to use as a replacement. Decorate this side too. Take your paper and put it up in the hall outside under your class period.

3 But how?? You may use your phone (google translate) like I did.
OR You may use this chart

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