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R-controlled syllable

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1 R-controlled syllable
Word work

2 7 syllable types There are seven syllable types: closed open
vowel-consonant-e Vowel diagraph/vowel team Dipthongs R-controlled Consonant-le we are going to learn R-contolled syllable this week!

3 R-Controlled syllable
Vr When the letter “r” follows a vowel, it usually effects the vowel sound. The vowel and the /r/ usually stay in the same syllable.

4 R-Controlled syllable
men red hen her How many vowels do you see in each word? one What does each word end with? a consonant. What kind of syllable ends with a consonant? A closed syllable c c c

5 R-Controlled syllable
men red hen her Read the words on the board, pay particular attention to the vowel sound in each. How are the vowels pronounced? Why can’t you read the last word with a short vowel sound?

6 R-Controlled syllable
Define R-controlled syllable: It contains a vowel plus a /r/ sound; these make their own sound and are kept in the same syllable. An r-controlled syllable contains ____ The vowel sound is affected by the letter ___.

7 Word work Write this week’s word work words in your journal. Skip 2 lines in between each word. Then label each word; 1.write the word 2. identify the vowels with a dot 3. identify the syllables with a curved line 4. identify all the vowel sounds 5. identify the type of syllable

8 squirt carve serve merge third force forth thirsty survive

9 Squirt carve r X r

10 serve merge X r X r

11 forth force r X r

12 thirsty survive o r X VCe r

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