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Webquest Othello.

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1 Webquest Othello

2 Timeline October 11thth: Introduction Task One October 13th: Task Two October 17th: Task Two questions due to Turnitin by 11:59 p.m. October 18th & 20th: Task Three: Article #1 October 25th & 27th: Task Three: Article #2 October 31st: Task Three questions due to Turnitin by 11:59 p.m. November 1st: Class discussion on Task Three November 3rd: Task Four November 10th: Answers to Task Four due to Turnitin by 11:59 p.m. November 17th: Webquest guides are due. Five paragraph essay (Writing Task) is due to Turnitin by 11:59 p.m.

3 Introduction Attitudes towards race and interracial relationships are important issues in Othello. In this Webquest, you will: watch a clip from a performance of Othello, read some lines from the play which deal with race, listen to an essay about an interracial couple who married in the 1960’s as well as read and discuss two articles about issues faced by contemporary interracial couples. As you progress through the Webquest, you will be completing a Webquest packet. This packet MUST be turned in at the conclusion of the Webquest. The Webquest will conclude with a writing task in where you will write a response which discusses evolving attitudes toward interracial relationships. **Each task will be graded separately. Please note that some of these tasks will be completed during class times, and others will be assigned for homework. As always, all work must adhere to the policies in your syllabus. **

4 Task One Read the passage below from No Fear Shakespeare’s Othello (Act I, Scene 2).  Then, complete page one of your Webquest Guide. BRABANTIO         You evil thief, where have you hidden my daughter?  You devil, you’ve put a spell on her!  Anybody with eyes could tell you that a beautiful and happy young girl like her, who’s refused to marry all of the handsome young men of the city, wouldn’t run off with a black thing like you unless she’d been bewitched.  You’re something to fear, not to love.  It’s obvious to everyone that you’ve tricked her, drugged her or kidnapped her.  That’s probably what happened, so I’m arresting you. — Arrest this man as a practitioner of black magic.  Grab him!  If he struggles, use force!

5 Task Two Watch the video clip from Othello (Act I:3, 49—169). Link to Video Excerpt Complete page two of your Webquest guide.

6 Task Three Read the two newspaper articles about contemporary interracial couples. Love is colorblind - Article #1 Interracial Marriage Erodes Barriers - Article #2 Informally answer the questions on page three of your Webquest guide. **We will be having a discussion in class based on these questions. Your participation in the discussion will be graded. Grades will be based on content, relevance and eagerness. ** Important: Racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive comments will not be tolerated. Complete the “Nonfiction Assignment Sheet” (page four of Webquest guide) for at least one of the articles provided above.

7 Task Four Listen to the audio-essay from the National Public Radio Program, This American Life (**listen to the introduction and Act I only**). Link to audio Take notes while you are listening and record your informal response to the questions on page five of your Webquest guide. Keep in mind you will be referring back to these notes - and the answers for these questions – in order to complete the writing task. Complete the Venn Diagram (page six of your Webquest guide) comparing and contrasting the issues between today and the 1960s. (Note: this is a large file, and the audio program is about 30 minutes in duration.)

8 Writing Task You will respond to the following prompt in the format of a five paragraph essay. Discuss how attitudes about race and/or interracial relationships have changed over time and how they have remained the same. You should use the selections from Othello, the audio link, the articles and the class discussion to compose your essay. Make sure the essay adheres to font , text size, spacing and margins requirements as well as MLA format.

9 Credits Credits go to: Jill Varns from Hickman High School for being the original creator of this Webquest. Mary B. Collins for the “Nonfiction Assignment Sheet”.

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