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Presentation on theme: "PLANNINGTO REMEMBER STUDY AND REVISION."— Presentation transcript:


2 Aim for today: Understand regular study and revision is important Consider your own home study habits Understand the importance of sleep and pacing yourself Plan the best time for you to study and finish your homework and assignments

3 Importance of Revision

4 Why plan? Why not cram?

5 Smaller portions perhaps??
There is more work in Year 10 than in Year This means more information for you to remember. “Crash-studying” is ineffective. You cannot try to “feed it” to yourself all at once. You must study in manageable amounts. THINK: What is a manageable amount of work to cover in one sitting? What is a reasonable amount of time to spend in one sitting?

6 Planning to SLEEP Research has found…
No matter how much you study each day, IF you SACRIFICE SLEEP, you will find it DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND your lessons the next day AND will be more likely to HAVE TROUBLE with a test or assignment the next day. IT’S NOT WORTH IT!!! PLAN your SLEEP.

7 But how much sleep do I need?
15 and 16 year olds require 8-10 hours sleep each night!! Only 15% of you get this much!! That means… if you need to get up at 7am for school, you should be asleep by 11pm, at the latest. Are you getting enough sleep??? Does your phone distract you when you go to bed? How could you minimise this, so you get enough sleep?

8 Knowing me… It’s all about ME!

9 Home Study Timetable Why?

10 Home Study Timetable 1. Commitments
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4:00  Tutoring 4:30 5:00  Swimming 5:30 6:00  Karate  DINNER 6:30  Youth Gr 7:00 7:30 DINNER 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 1. Commitments What are the things in your week that you must do? Soccer training Tutoring Dinner Family duties Work Your study timetable is on page 7 in your student planner!!

11 Home Study Timetable 2. Wants
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4:00  Tutoring  Bikes 4:30 5:00  Swimming 5:30 6:00  Karate  DINNER 6:30  Youth Gr 7:00  H & A H & A 7:30 DINNER 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 2. Wants What are the things in your week that you like to do? TV shows Meet with friends Exercise Rest Music

12 Home Study Timetable 3. Study Times
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4:00  STUDY  Tutoring  Bikes 4:30 STUDY 5:00  Swimming 5:30 6:00  Karate  DINNER 6:30  Youth Gr 7:00  H & A H & A 7:30 DINNER 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 3. Study Times Choose 8 to 10 hours in which you will study. Consider: When will you concentrate best? How long can you concentrate?

13 Home Study Timetable 4. Accountability
Who will help you stay on your chosen study time? Parents Teacher Brother/Sister Friend Write this on the bottom or back of your timetable.

14 Home Study Timetable 5. Rewards
How will you reward yourself for completing a week or a month of your study timetable?

15 Quick Tips Frequency beats Thoroughness

16 Association Principle
Quick Tips Association Principle Same place, same time

17 Quick Tips Short time slot per Subject

18 Quick Tips Hardest to Easiest

19 Quick Tips Avoid interference

20 But I’ve got no homework!
Quick Tips But I’ve got no homework!

21 Quick Tips REWARD!


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