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Major players in the Age of Exploration

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1 Major players in the Age of Exploration
Why and How the World was carved up the way it was.

2 Backgrounder Revolutionary time period Reformation
Scientific Revolution Protestant Reformation

3 Backgrounder Trade with the East – riches and luxuries
Indian Ocean Trade route existed Marco Polo the Silk Road Silk Road Map Mongols made travel difficult and then safe Overland routes closed once Crusades were lost Take over of Constantinople by Ottoman Turks New Routes were needed to access the spices and luxury items from the east.

4 Exploration by Sea: Genoa and Venice
These City State Republics held control over the majority of the trade in the Mediterranean. They were incredibly rich from trading and taxing imports from the East. They also Ventured into North Africa What items were they getting from these places?

5 Start of exploration by Sea
Portuguese Little natural resources Highly involved in trade Systematic exploration of the African coast Prince Henry “the navigator” Wanted to know how far Muslim territory existed down the coast and to find the legendary land of “John Prester” Set up trading “factories” along the coast, but no interest in setting up colonies

6 What enabled them to get there?
Caravel – what is it? Compass – what was the development of it? Earth Grid – How were these lines of latitude and longitude figured out? Who was Bartolomeu Dias and what did his exploration disprove?

7 Spain: We will travel West to get East
What Christopher Columbus the first to figure out that the Earth was round? Columbus, and his employers, wanted to bypass the monopoly Portugal had on the coasts of Africa. Columbus Finds "India/America" Landing in “the West Indies” Disappointment turns to Colonization

8 Dividing the World: The Treaties of Tordesillas (1492)
When Columbus returned, Spain and Portugal got into it – who can go where and claim what? The Pope issued a Bull that divided the known and unknown world – but it was altered bit.

9 Other countries get involved
Due to the success of Spain and Portugal, no one wanted to be left behind England: Northern Canada, US, Caribbean Who do they send? John Cabot Henry Hudson Frobisher France: In Canada, US, Caribbean Giovanni da Verrazano Cartier Dutch: US, Caribbean, Asia, Africa Hudson The VOC (Dutch East India Company / Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie)

10 No Route – let’s colonize
Set up was different in each place, by the different Countries Spain Inward and beat up on the Natives Portugal England Along the coastline, down rivers, work and trade with some Natives France Tried to get through country, trade and work with the Natives WHY COLONIZE?

11 Why Set up Colonies? Permanent claim and access to resources
Economic view of Mercantilism Rise and importance of triangle trade in the English Colonies Why would this exist here, and not with other colonial systems? video triangle trade doc Complex triangle trade

12 Impact of Exploration & Trade
Globalization: The Columbian Exchange Age of Imperialism Reduction of Native populations and cultures Price Revolution in Europe Too much gold and silver in Spain Luxury items from the East China/porcelain Silk Improved Geographic knowledge

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