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Death of A Salesman Vocabulary Act II.

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1 Death of A Salesman Vocabulary Act II

2 .1. philandering- engaging in many casual love affairs
2. remiss- not attending to duty; negligent; careless 3. subdued- made less intense; toned down 4. solidified- made strong, sturdy or stable 5. intent- concentrating; engrossed 6. dictation- to say aloud to be recorded and written by another 7. solitary- existing alone 8. comradeship- friendship; spirit of working together for the common good 9. incredulously- unbelievingly 10. carte blanche- with full permission; unrestricted authority 11. candidly- characterized by openness; frankly 12. raucous- rough-sounding; harsh ; boisterous

3 13. agonized- suffering great anguish
14. gist- main idea 15. clinches- settles something conclusively 16. falters- stumbles; moves unsteadily 17. befuddled- confused 18. reticence- taciturn; reserved or reluctant 19. crestfallen- disheartened; dejected

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