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Chemical Nomenclature

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1 Chemical Nomenclature
Chapter 4 Sections 4.1 and 4.2

2 Binary Compounds Binary Compounds – compounds that contain ONLY two (2) elements. They may contain more than one atom of each element. Examples: NaCl Fe2O3 H2O CO2

3 Binary Compounds Binary Ionic Compounds – ionic compounds that contain mono-atomic cations and anions. Type I Compounds – ionic compounds that contain cations from Group 1A, Group 2A, Al, Zn, and Ag. Type II Compounds – ionic compounds that contains a cation that is NOT a Type I metal.

4 MgBr2 = magnesium bromide
Binary Compounds Rules for Naming Type I Compounds Name the cation first. (The cation ALWAYS comes FIRST!) Name the anion, changing the ending to “-ide.” NaCl = sodium chloride MgBr2 = magnesium bromide

5 Binary Compounds Exercise: Name the following Type I compounds. Na2O –
AlCl3 – Sr3P2 –

6 Binary Compounds Writing Formulas for Type I Compounds
Determine the charge on the cation. Determine the charge on the anion. Balance the ions so that the number of positive charges is equal to the number of negative charges. Example: barium chloride barium cation = Ba2+ chloride anion = Cl ̶ Therefore, the formula needs to be BaCl2.

7 Binary Compounds Exercise: Write the formula for the following Type I compounds. barium iodide – zinc nitride – calcium bromide –

8 Type II Binary Compounds
Type II cations are different because they can take on different positive charges, depending on the conditions of the reaction. This is due to the additional inner electrons possessed by the transition metals, rare earth metals, and the other metals. Therefore, a Roman numeral MUST be used to indicate the CHARGE on the cation.

9 Binary Compounds Rules for Naming Type II Compounds
Name the cation first –using a Roman numeral to indicate the CHARGE! Name the anion, changing the ending to “-ide.” CuCl = copper (I) chloride CuBr2 = copper (II) bromide

10 Binary Compounds Exercise: Write the formula for the following Type II compounds. iron (II) iodide – copper (I) nitride – tin (IV) nitride –

11 Type I and Type II Cations
sodium Type I Type I magnesium chromium strontium iron manganese copper Type II lead nickel silver zinc

12 Type I and Type II Cations
sodium magnesium strontium silver zinc Type II chromium nickel iron manganese copper lead

13 Class Worksheet

14 Homework Read Section 4.1A and 4.1B Answer Review questions

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