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Debate Basics Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Debate Basics Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Debate Basics Review

2 What are the key or essential features of debate?
Controversy 2 sides Status quo Constructive speeches Rebuttal speeches Proposition

3 What are the advantages of the Aff?
Start and end the debate Set: Definitions Values Criterion

4 What are the advantages of the Neg?
Defending the status quo Has longest block of uninterrupted speaking time

5 Who has the burden of proof?

6 What are the key differences between the constructive and rebuttal speeches?
Presents the initial arguments Rebuttal Defends arguments that have been attacked

7 What are the 3 types of Propositions?
Fact Value Policy

8 Give an example of a proposition of fact.

9 Give an example of a proposition of value.

10 Give an example of a proposition of policy.

11 What does critical listening entail?
Continually summarize what the opposition has said Pay attention to evidence being used Identify nonverbal or “hidden” meanings

12 What does debate teach? Critical thinking skills
Critical listening skills Evaluate both sides of an argument Speak extemporaneously Organization Essential values

13 When given a proposition, what is the first step towards building an argument?

14 What are key characteristics of values?
Standards for determining worth Abstract Accepted as enduring goods Ideals of lasting importance

15 Give examples of intrinsic values.
Justice Freedom Equality Knowledge Security

16 Give examples of instrumental values.
Property Altruism Work Progress Family Community Leisure Privacy Quality of Life

17 What are quasi-values? Similar, but does not quite meet the criterion to be a value Generally builds towards values

18 Where can you find definitions?
Common usage Dictionaries Encyclopedias Books/articles Examples

19 What are the qualities of a good definition?
Relevant to the argument Consistent with common usage Consistent with policymakers Consistent with grammatical standards

20 Draw the 1st Triad of the Toulmin Model

21 What are the 3 types of claims?
Factual claim: something either is or is not the case Value claim: what an individual thinks is good or bad Policy claim: what should or should not be done

22 What are the different types of data?
Testimony: opinion that is offered on behalf of the truth of a claim Experience General reputation Examples: instances used to demonstrate a claim’s validity Clearly observed and defined Statistics: demonstrate wide-spread effect of a claim

23 What does the Warrant do?
Shows the relevance and importance of the relationship between data and claim Evidence infers that a claim is true A generalization based on data

24 What is in the 2nd Triad? Backing Qualifier Rebuttals

25 What is backing used for?
Evidence supporting a warrant Similar to evidence supporting a claim Necessary Strengthens an argument, but not necessary

26 Why are qualifiers necessary?
They express your degree of confidence in the argument

27 What is the most important part of a value debate?
To establish the criterion

28 What are 3 ways to establish criterion?
Appeal to experts Appeal to public opinion Appeal to logic

29 What is the designative issue?
The place where you actually make your arguments.

30 What are the 2 types of contentions
Dependent Independent

31 When building contentions, what is just as important as research?

32 What are the steps to refute an argument?
Identify and summarize argument to be refuted State why you are refuting it Present evidence that supports your side Show the impact of your refutation

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