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Science - Year 3/4B Spring 1

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1 Science - Year 3/4B Spring 1
Living Things and their Habitats Habitat Helpers Session 6 Quiz PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

2 Quiz on Habitats and Changes

3 On each slide there is a question and some possible answers
On each slide there is a question and some possible answers. Each answer has a letter. Choose the letter that is above the right answer and write it on your sheet. Some are quite easy, others are a bit harder. If you’re not sure, give it your best guess.

4 1. The place where a plant or animal lives is called a …
rainforest B biome C habitat

5 pollinating their flowers
2. All the plants and animals that live in a particular place depend on each other to survive. Butterflies, bees and other insects help plants by … A making their food B cleaning the air C pollinating their flowers

6 food for animals and humans
3. Trees and other green plants provide oxygen for the air and … A B C food for animals and humans water nitrogen

7 4. A habitat, together with all the plants and creatures that live there is called …
the countryside an ecosystem a pond

8 5. Polar bears are very well suited to living in the arctic for the following reasons.
Which of these reasons is not true A They have thick fur to keep them warm B D C Their white colouring is camouflage They have sharp teeth and claws because they are predators They are cuddly and gentle so humans love them

9 6. Every plant and animal is particularly suited to living in its natural habitat. Each special feature that helps it survive in that place is called … A B C an adaptation an instinct a skill or talent

10 C A B can be caused by nature or by humans always caused by humans
When a habitat changes, it can cause problems for the plants and animals that are adapted to live there. Habitat changes are C can be caused by nature or by humans A always caused by humans B always caused by nature

11 A fallen tree after a storm
Which of these changes is not caused by nature? D A fallen tree after a storm B A dry summer C A polluted river A A volcano erupting

12 9. In Antarctica scientists have been recording temperatures over many years and they are noticing that temperatures are… A rising B falling C staying the same

13 A B C icecap melting climate change environmental change
The melting icecaps are causing changes in the ocean currents which in turn can affect the weather across the whole planet. Some people have called the effect “global warming” but this is a bit misleading as it can cause lots of different types of extreme weather. Instead many scientists prefer to call it … A B C icecap melting climate change environmental change

14 11. Scientists have discovered that climate change is being caused by gases that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. These gases are called … A noxious gases B greenhouse gases C green air gases

15 12. One of the main gases causing climate change is …
oxygen B carbon dioxide C nitrogen

16 Greenhouse gases are released when we burn fuels like petrol, diesel, gas and coal. A lot of our electricity is made from power stations that burn coal. But there are lots of ways we can help stop climate change. 3 of these are true. Which one is false? D Turn your heating down a little and put on an extra jumper to keep warm instead A Use your car less and walk or bike instead or use public transport C Switch off lights and appliances when you are not using them B Keep fit by doing at least half an hour of exercise every day

17 14. A lot of the food we eat comes from all over the world
14. A lot of the food we eat comes from all over the world. This means is has produced greenhouse gases to get here. We can help cut down greenhouse gases by reducing our food miles. 3 of these are true. Which one is false? C Save money by looking out for special offers on food D Use up left overs. Do not throw them away. A Buy more food that has been grown in Britain or even better try to buy locally grown food. B Do not let food go to waste. Only buy what you need.

18 A C D B 15. Scientists think that climate change is causing …
more extreme weather to occur right across the world. C more volcanoes to erupt D more tides in the sea B more daylight hours in summer

19 16. Sometimes habitats change because of the things humans throw away
16. Sometimes habitats change because of the things humans throw away. This is a big problem but there are lots of ways you can help. 4 of these will help. Which one will not help? B D E A C Reduce the amount of waste you produce Replace items when you are fed up with them Recycle as many waste materials as you can Never drop litter Reuse as many items as you possibly can

20 Building a nature reserve
17. Habitats are also changed by people because they need the land for something else. 3 of these could cause a problem for local wildlife. Which one will help wildlife? A B D C Building a nature reserve Building more houses Building a new road Growing more food

21 18. But human populations are growing so we need more houses and food.
Choose the most appropriate next sentence from those below D A B C Governments and local councils can really help but everyone can join in to make positive changes too. Sadly there is nothing that can be done to help. Only governments can make the changes needed to help. Governments and local councils can make some difference.

22 C D A B 19. Which of these things will make a positive difference?
Grow some vegetables Plant a tree Make a hole in (or under) your fence for a hedgehog highway and encourage your neighbours to do the same Volunteer or raise money for a conservation charity Put out a dish of water to make a bird bath Plant some flowers C All except the hedgehog highway D All except the bird bath A None of them B All of them

23 20. A worldwide problem of habitat loss is …
C D A deforestation B logging C destruction

24 23. Rainforests are important to the whole planet because …
3 of these reasons are true. Which one is false? A The trees use up carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas B The trees give out oxygen which all living things need to survive C There are over 30 million species of plants and animals that are precious to the world D We need to use the wood to make paper

25 22. Rainforests are being destroyed at an alarming rate and although trees can be replanted, it would take more than years to restore the whole ecosystem Choose the correct number to go in the gap C A 100 B 400 C 4,000

26 23. We can help save rainforests by …
4 of these reasons are true. Which one is false? D Only buy Paper that is recycled or comes from a sustainable source C Don’t worry too much, someone else will sort it A Only buy wood that is recycled or comes from a sustainable source E Raise money for a rainforest conservation charity or campaign yourself by telling everyone what they can do B Only buy products that are free of palm oil or use palm oil from a sustainable source

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