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Unit 14 – Acid, Bases, & Salts

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1 Unit 14 – Acid, Bases, & Salts
Titrations Titration Calculations Print 1, 3-5, 7-8

Neutralization Reactions (REVIEW) Neutralization – chemical reaction between an acid and a base. HCl + NaOH  NaCl + HOH H2O = ACID + BASE  SALT + WATER

3 A. Titration Titration Standard Solution
adding a known conc. to a solution to find an unknown conc. Standard Solution solution of known conc.

4 A. Titration Equivalence Point moles of H+ = moles of OH–

5 A. Titration

6 A. Titration End Point indicator permanently changes color

7 A. Titration Phenolphthalein

8 Acid/Base Indicators

9 MAVA = MBVB B. Calculations Example (find conc.)
A 25.0 mL solution of HCl was completely neutralized by 40.0 mL of standard M NaOH. What is the concentration of the HCl? MA x (25.0 mL) = (0.100 M) x (40.0 mL) MA = (40.0 mL) x (0.100 M) = (25.0 mL) 0.160 M HCl

10 MAVA = MBVB B. Calculations Example (find conc.)
A 20.4 mL solution of KOH was completely neutralized by 48.5 mL of 0.150 M HNO3. What is the concentration of the KOH? (0.150 M) x (48.5 mL) = MB x (20.4 mL) (0.150 M) x (48.5 mL) = MB = (20.4 mL) 0.357 M KOH

11 Quick Quiz! 1) When the moles of acid equals the moles of base you have reached the… A) titration point B) end point C) equivalence point D) neutralization point 11

12 Quick Quiz. 2) The solution of known concentration is called the …
A) titrant B) standard C) calculated D) indicator 12

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