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Nat. Rev. Mater. doi: /natrevmats

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1 Nat. Rev. Mater. doi:10.1038/natrevmats.2017.82
Figure 2 Properties of wood, as well as architectural and design insights from botanical materials Panel a (top) is from Albrecht WeiÃer/Getty Stock Image. Panel a (bottom) is courtesy of M. Eder and M. Harrington, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany. Panels b and c are adapted with permission from REF. 24, AAAS. The scanning electron micrograph in panel d is courtesy of the N.C. Brown Center for Ultrastructure Studies at SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY; the plot is adapted from REF. 115, Cambridge University Press. Panel e, HygroSkin — Meterosensitive Pavilion, FRAC Centre Orleans, 2013, is courtesy of Achim Menges in collaboration with Oliver David Krieg and Steffen Reichert, Achim Menges Architect BDA, Institute for Computational Design, University of Stuttgart, Germany. Panel f, HygroScope — Meterosensitive Morphology, Permanent Collection of the Centre Pompidou Paris, 2012, is courtesy of Achim Menges in collaboration with Steffen Reichert, Achim Menges Architect BDA, Institute for Computational Design, Transsolar Climate Engineering. Panel g is adapted with permission from REF. 27, SAGE. Panel h (top) is courtesy of J.M. Leban, INRA, Paris, France. Panel h (bottom) is adapted from REF. 116, Taylor & Francis. Bechthold, M. & Weaver, J. C. (2017) Materials science and architecture Nat. Rev. Mater. doi: /natrevmats

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