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Gr. 8 Grammar.

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1 Gr. 8 Grammar

2 Table of Contents -Parts of speech -Capitalization rules -Apostrophes
-pronoun-antecedent agreement -use verb tense consistently -Ellipses -Simple, compound, complex sentences


4 Proper vs Common Nouns Proper Nouns Common Nouns -Sally -Ginger Rogers
-The girl The dog


6 When a word doesn’t can’t fit in the line

7 Acronyms -Write it out first with the acronym in brackets---every time afterward you can use the acronym. My little sister went to the North American Space Agency (NASA) summer camp. She loved it! She was able to meet real NASA astronauts.

8 Apostrophes --Singular Nouns possessive/owning
Rule 1a. Use the apostrophe to show possession. To show possession with a singular noun, add an apostrophe plus the letter s. Name’s Possession=belongs/owns King Henry’s palace.

9 Apostrophes--Singular RUles (names that end in ‘s’) Possessive/owning
If the singular noun ends with a letter ‘s’ Add the apostrophe after the last letter of ‘s’ name(s)’ James’ books are left all over the room. Mr. Jones' golf clubs are superior to Mr. Kay’s clubs. Texas' weather has been horrible lately.

10 Apostrophes--Plural Possessive (Many people owning)
When something is plural, add the apostrophe after the name. The girls’ basketball team won the game The two actresses’ The students’ are on a fieldtrip.

11 It’s the Exception to the Rule
The word ‘it’ is the exception to the rule. When ‘it’ is showing that it owns something, there is no apostrophe. The dog wagged its tail. The jury has reached its decision. Because ‘its’ is already considered possessive, we use an apostrophe as a contraction It’s = It is It’s cold outside! It is cold outside!

12 You’re the Exception to the Rule
The word ‘your’ is another exception to the rule. When ‘your’ is showing that you own something, there is no apostrophe.

13 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Whenever you use a personal pronoun like she, it, or they, you first have to have an antecedent, the word that the pronoun is replacing. The boy scratched his armpit. The boys scratched their armpits

14 Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
There are two major things to consider when looking at antecedent agreement Singular or Plural 2. Masculine or Feminine

15 Examples

16 Verb Tenses Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, future The past is used to describe things that have already happened (e.g. earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago) The present tense is used to describe things that are happening right now, or things that are continuous The future tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g. later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now).

17 Caution-Do NOT Switch your Verb Tenses
Students sometimes switch their verb tense in their writing. This is incorrect. This is when you will see either Verb Tense or V.T. in you comments. Fix these sentences: *During the movie, Sam stood up and then drops his popcorn. *When Mary walks into the room, everyone stared at her (

18 Antecedent Pronouns Provide 3 examples of antecedent pronouns. It is okay to have more than one sentence for each example.

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