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Applying for personal research funding in 2019

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1 Applying for personal research funding in 2019
14 March 2019 Tallinn 19 March 2019 Tartu

2 Previous call (2018) In PUT call 2018, 76 new projects received funding, incl. 14 postdoctoral projects 24 start-up projects 38 team projects … in total amount of 8,727,100 euros (See: Funded projects) … but 366 applications in total amount of 44,911,539 were processed (success rate 22%) The success rate across all grant types and research fields, i.e., the success rate was even lower in some of the specific ranking lists.

3 In call 2019… … you can apply for a
postdoctoral grant (outgoing) (PUTJD, up to 3 years) start-up grant (PSG, up to 4 years) team grant (PRG, up to 5 years) … you can compile and submit your application via the Estonian Research Information System (ETIS) from April to 30 April at 17:00 p.m. … the total amount of funded projects will probably be about 16.5 mln euros The grants have been designed in compliance with the so-called research career model. Therefore, a person is eligible for the PUT postodctoral and start-up grant only once. However, one can be awarded the team grant several times. Incoming postdoctoral fellows can apply for a grant from the Mobilitas Pluss programme (

4 General principles of personal research funding
The applicant must be the PI of the project Research grants for capable researchers from all countries Employment contract with a positively evaluated Estonian R&D institution is obligatory Start-up and team projects have to be implemented in Estonia It is not allowed to be the PI/senior staff of several PUT projects or institutional research funding topics (IUT) Fixed grant amounts are used Owing to the fact that start-up and team grants have to be implemented in Estonia, the PI has to be physically present in Estonia.

5 Who can apply for which grant? (1/2)
A person can simultaneously apply for one PUT grant but may be listed as a member of the senior research staff in yet another PUT grant application A person cannot apply for a grant if his/her application has failed to reach the threshold in two consecutive calls; he/she has, during three years before applying for a grant, failed to submit the report on a previous project funded by the Council by the deadline without a valid reason or the report has not been accepted by the Council. The same person can be listed as a member of the senior research staff in no more that two applications. The thresholds have been laid down in the Evaluation Guidelines. The threshold is at least “good“/3 points or “appropriate“ in each evaluated criterion (except for the criterion of the grant type).

6 Who can apply for which grant? (2/2)
The applicant for a postdoctoral grant: has received his/her PhD not earlier than ; has received his/her PhD in Estonia; has worked/studied at least 1 year in Estonia before The applicant for a start-up grant: has received his/her PhD between ; has gained research experience after the PhD (preferably abroad); has not been the PI of a start-up or exploratory project or the PI of an IUT topic. The applicant for a team grant is a researcher with a PhD degree NB! A person cannot apply for a team grant if he/she is the PI of an IUT or PUT grant which continues in 2020. NB! If the applicant has been on pregnancy, maternity or parental leave, or in compulsory military service, all periods are extended by the corresponding period. NB! Neither the postdoctoral fellow nor the PI of a start-up grant can be replaced. The PI of a team grant can be replaced in some cases.

7 Who can participate in a grant project?
A PUTJD project is an individual grant. In a PSG project, other members of the (senior) research staff can also participate if they have the necessary qualification for carrying out the tasks; they are working or studying at the same institution; the salary of the senior staff must be fully or partially covered from the grant. In a PRG project, it is obligatory to involve other members of the (senior) research staff: senior staff members have to have a PhD (or equivalent qualification); the salary of the senior staff must be fully or partially covered from the grant; (senior) staff can work at another Estonian R&D institution. NB! It is important to explain the role and the division of tasks of the involved (senior) staff. NB! Senior staff members can be changed during the project period. Their participation period can also be shorter than the project period. NB! In team grant applications, the composition of the team will be evaluated as well. This means that major changes in senior staff after the funding decision has been made can cause a new evaluation on the sustainability of the project. NB! Scholarships can be paid only to students. One person can participate in the project as a member of the (senior) staff or as a student but not in both positions simultaneously.

8 Important changes Increase of the fixed grant amounts (coefficient 0.7 -> 0.9) The mark “inappropriate“ for the requested grant type and amount does not mean that the application will automatically remain below the threshold A postdoctoral project has to begin within 6 months An explanation about how the results of the project will be disseminated to the public An explanation about the ethical issues specific to the project The ones who receive the grant have to submit a data management plan So-called “bridge grant“ – short-term/one-year grant for PSG/PRG projects which did not receive a grant despite high scores The fixed grant amounts originally agreed upon can be found in the document “A New Framework of Research Grants and Baseline Funding in the Estonian Research and Development Funding System“: The Council will provide the guidelines for identifying and analysing the ethical issues. The Council will give instructions for preparing the data management plan. The aim of the short-term grant is to minimise the ebb and flow of research funding. The short-term grants will be available only in call 2019 and 2020.

9 Fixed grant amounts The fixed grant amounts consist of direct costs and overhead costs The direct costs consist of staff costs and research costs The grants are either small or large Depending on the specifics of the research field, small and large grants are divided into experimental and non-experimental grants Overhead costs make up 25% of direct costs in case of start-up and team grants, and 5% in case of a postdoctoral grant The applicant of a start-up or team grant has the right to request a smaller grant amount than the fixed grant amount Requesting a different amount than the fixed amount is reasonable if it is significantly smaller or larger than the prescribed fixed amount of this grant type. NB! There is a budget tool available on the Council’s website and in ETIS to assist you with compiling the budget! Based on the estimated costs calculated by the budget tool, please choose the most suitable fixed grant amount (that is the closest to the sum of the calculated costs).

10 Fixed postdoctoral grant amounts
The rates of the relocation allowance are as follows: For projects lasting up to one year – 4,000 euros For projects lasting up to two years – 5,500 euros For projects lasting up to three years – 7,000 euros Postdoctoral grant Direct costs (per year) Overhead costs (per year) Total fixed grant amount (per year) Non-experimental 40,800 2,040 42,840 Experimental 43,200 2,160 45,360 A postdoctoral research project begins and ends on the date that has been fixed in the grant contract. The grant will be allocated monthly (i.e., if the period of the project is 1 year and 8 months, the sum to be allocated will be calculated based on the fixed grant amount and in accordance with the respective number of months). NB! Justify the grant amount you are applying for (experimental—non-experimental).

11 Fixed start-up grant amounts
Direct costs (per year) Overhead costs (per year) Total fixed grant amount Non-experimental small 48,200 12,050 60,250 Non-experimental large 77,100 19,275 96,375 Experimental small 52,100 13,025 65,125 Experimental large 83,600 20,900 104,500 Although the fixed grant amounts are based on the estimated staff costs, applying for a large start-up grant could also be justified if the research costs are high (e.g., it is planned that only the salary of the PI and the scholarship for a PhD student will be covered with the grant money, but the research costs are very high due to high expedition costs). NB! The period of the project is related to the calendar year, i.e., the project is supposed to begin on 1 January and end on 31 December. In justified cases, it is possible to requests a later start date for the project. The Council will then reduce the grant in accordance with the number of the months that have already passed, but the end date of the project will not be extended because of a later start date. NB! Justify the grant amount you are applying for!

12 Fixed team grant amounts
Direct costs (per year) Overhead costs (per year) Total fixed grant amount Non-experimental small 135,000 33,750 168,750 Non-experimental large 190,300 47,575 237,875 Experimental small 146,600 36,650 183,250 Experimental large 205,700 51,425 257,125 The same principles apply to team grants: Although the fixed grant amounts are based on the estimated staff costs, applying for a large team grant could also be justified if the research costs are high (e.g., it is planned that only the salary of the PI and the scholarship for a PhD student will be covered with the grant money, but the research costs are very high due to high expedition costs). NB! The period of the project is related to the calendar year, i.e., the project is supposed to begin on 1 January and end on 31 December. In justified cases, it is possible to requests a later start date for the project. The Council will then reduce the grant in accordance with the number of the months that have already passed, but the end date of the project will not be extended because of a later start date. NB! Justify the grant amount you are applying for!

13 Tips for applicants (1/3)
The call will open on 1 April and close on 30 April at 17:00 p.m. (Estonian time). NB! The application is submitted only after the institution has confirmed it via ETIS. Please follow the deadlines of your institution. Write the application yourself. If using texts from other authors, cite them properly. Update your CV – check your employment data, projects, clearly indicate your research experience (e.g., postdoc), etc. Clearly bring out your contribution to the research articles and projects attached to the application. The application has to be written in English.

14 Tips for applicants (2/3)
Calculate a realistic budget and justify the requested grant amount. When approving grant applications, no changes will be made regarding the applied grant amounts. This means that, e.g., an application for a large team grant will be either approved or not approved. Do not apply for a large grant because you believe that the amount will be reduced anyway. Requesting a different amount than the fixed amount is reasonable if it is significantly smaller or larger than the prescribed fixed amount of this grant type. Take the questions on research ethics and data management seriously.

15 Tips for applicants (3/3)
Use the text boxes provided in the application form to add all relevant comments. Add only the files which are allowed and only as PDFs. If necessary, add the applications for making exceptions. While writing the short summary of the project, please consider that it is meant to be understandable for a wider public. Describe of the importance for Estonian research, culture, society, and/or economy Read the “Guidelines for Evaluating Personal Research Funding Applications“ very carefully. Put on the “reviewer hat“ before confirming your application.

16 The evaluation process
Six research fields (the OECD Frascati 2015 Manual): Medical and health sciences Humanities and the arts Natural sciences Agricultural and veterinary sciences Social sciences Engineering and technology Indicative timeline: Checking the technical details of applications: May Evaluation: June-September Expert Panel and Evaluation Committee meetings: October Preliminary funding decisions: November Final funding decisions: December The applicants can specify in ETIS in which expert group they would like their applications to be evaluated. The Evaluation Committee can, however, decide to evaluate an application in another expert group in order to guarantee the best expertise of the evaluation process.

17 More information (1) Regulations and guidelines regarding the PUT call 2019, incl. frequently asked questions

18 More information (2) General info: Siret Rutiku tel ) Medical and Health Sciences; Agricultural and veterinary sciences: Ade Kallas-Kivi (tel , Bio and Environmental Sciences: Lairi Bakhoff (tel , Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts: Hele Priimets (tel , Engineering and Technology: Raili Torga (tel , Exact Sciences: Mikk Vahtrus (tel ,

19 Thank you for your attention! Any questions?

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