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“Day A” February 11, :51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science

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Presentation on theme: "“Day A” February 11, :51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Day A” February 11, 2019 7:51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science
7: :51 Math 8: :53 Science 9: :55 Exploratory 10:57 -11:59 12:01-12:31 Social Studies LUNCH (3rd Lunch) 12: :33 English 1: :35

2 What are some things that you notice and what are some things that you wonder?
A box has a width, w. The height of the box, h, is twice the width. The length of the box, l, is three times the width.

3 Objective(S): I will be able to: Write and evaluate numerical expressions. So I can learn how to write formulas involving whole-number exponents to evaluate and solve real world problems. I will know I got it when: I can verbally discuss and successfully write the solutions to at least 2 out of the 3 real world problems with my partners. 6.EE.A.1

4 Vocabulary: Exponents Patterns Formula Evaluate Variables Volume
Dimensions Length Width Height

5 Pg. 102 example 1: Work with your partners (You do)


7 We do… pg. 104

8 How do you feel about this lesson?

9 With your partners, you will work on problems 1-3.
You do… pgs With your partners, you will work on problems 1-3.



12 Page 105

13 Ticket-To-Go: Answer in agenda (or notebook) -(-43) or 43 -(-5) or 5

14 Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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