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2 PHYLUM ARTHROPODA (jointed appendages)
General information -most diverse of all animals -highly adapted Features -exoskeleton (chitin) -jointed appendages -segmented body -open circulatory system -sensory organs -compound eyes (most) 5 groups Trilobites (oldest fossils) Crustaceans Chelicerates (daggerlike mouth parts) Insects Myriapods (long bodies with many legs)

3 Crustaceans -marine Features -2 body sections: cephalothorax and abdomen -1 pr appendage per body section -2 pr attennae -exoskeleton -carapace

4 Appendages functions -collecting food -mating -protection

5 Appendages: Claws 2. Antennae 3. walking legs 4. Swimmerets 5. mandibles.

6 Types -decapods (10 legs) ex. Lobster, crabs -isopods (7 pr legs) ex
Types -decapods (10 legs) ex. Lobster, crabs -isopods (7 pr legs) ex. Pill bugs,

7 Arachnids Largest group of chelicerates Ex
Arachnids Largest group of chelicerates Ex. Spiders, ticks Horseshoe crabs, mites

8 Chelicerates Features -no antennae -4 pr walking legs -1 pr chelicerae -1 pr pedipalps
poison gland spinnerets fangs

9 Examples Arachinds- live on land Features -8 legs -fanglike pincers, venon -silk glands 4 adaptations -waterproof cuticle -book lungs -Malpighian tubules -spiracles Diverse group -silk -venom

10 Insects Dominant terrestrial arthropods -most niches Features -3 body parts -head -thorax -abdomen

11 Metamorphosis -incomplete- miniature adults when hatched 3 stages -larva -nymph -adult

12 -complete – changes form entirely 4 stages -egg -larva -pupa -adult

13 Adaptation -flight occurred 400 myo Mouth adaptation -sucking -chewing -both

14 Arthropods and humans Share resources -herbivores that destroy crops -insecticides unwanted side effects Alternatives -arthropod specific insecticides -pest management -genetically modified crops

15 Vectors -carry diseases from 1 host to another Ex
Vectors -carry diseases from 1 host to another Ex. Bubonic plague Yellow fever Malaria West nile virus

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