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A Reaction Against Rationalism

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1 A Reaction Against Rationalism
Romanticism A Reaction Against Rationalism

2 What is “Romantic”? Puritans = Faith Deists = Reason
Romantics = EMOTION! (heart rules!) This is not romantic such as roses on your anniversary…so what do we mean?

3 Reaction against Rationalism
1. Feeling rather than logic 2. Imagination/self expression 3. Interest in faraway times and places 4. Idealize common man and simple life 5. Idealize primitive and picturesque

4 6. Interest in supernatural, mystical
7. Adore nature 8. Feeling of independence/ individualism 9. Mood of optimism

5 Romanticism began in Europe 1785-1830
1. Romantic movements in France, England, and Germany 2. A group of Romantic poets and writers wrote about rebellion, emotion, and sensuality. 3. They became celebrities in their time!

6 The U.S. had a natural tendency toward Romanticism at this time, as a reaction against the extreme reason of the Deists

7 Art Art searched for magical and irrational reactions to experience

8 Explored the darkness of human behavior
Explored grim and horrible aspects of life

9 Interest in ever changing nature, its various forms, colors, lights, rhythms, & movements
Pastoral scenes


11 Struggle of life and death
Intensity of light, dark, and color

12 Interest in classical world
Plight of the sick, poor, and weak Color, emotion, passion REPLACE line, form, intellect of neoclassic art

13 Music Germany the leading country of 19th C. composers
Beethoven provided transition from classical to romantic – symphony, chamber music (Symphony #5) Mendelsson – leading conductor in early 19th C. Liszt – piano virtuosity Wagner – music drama, opera

14 Architecture England the leader with Gothic towers & medieval castle-like features Eiffel tower finished in Paris 1889

15 Borrowed a lot from other times & cultures (Indian & Chinese)

16 Why was U.S. ready for Romanticism in 1815
1. U.S. had a democratic society with emphasis on liberty, equality, brotherhood 2. Emphasis on individual self-reliance, encouraged by an expanding western frontier 3. Mood of optimism in a land of expanding opportunities 4. Religious spirit – traced to early Amer.

17 5. After the War of 1812, American was in an adolescent period
- Deists somewhat de-emphasized religion, but it always remained important to Americans 5. After the War of 1812, American was in an adolescent period Everything seemed “dandy” Physical expansion Population increasing (immigration) Railroads, Erie Canal manufacturing

18 6. Pride in region and state (sectionalism)
South: economy based on slavery, cotton, plantation life “Democratic West”: expanding frontier, gold in California, rapid settlement, still agricultural “European East”: old world influence, industrialized

19 7. Nationalism Began with War of 1812 and Creation of Uncle Sam
Manifest Destiny (US expansion & power) Patriotism spread to other areas: education, humanitarian reforms (ie. prison reform), women’s rights, abolishing slavery… Era of the “Common Man”

20 Subject Matter of Romanticism
1. The American Past: interested in past events such as Puritans, Native Americans, George Washington, etc.

21 2. Nature Spiritual resource
Nature as source of man’s vitality: a revitalizing force “Wild” nature of the frontier was especially attractive

22 3. Common man Plain folk, rustic living, natural, early man
Democratic ideals Death Miscellaneous - beauty - youth - strange and distant places - personal feelings and events

23 Romantic Literary Style
Literature as self expression More personal autobiography Personal essays Lyric poetry with immense range of emotion Life and art should be individual Most romantics were careful and deliberate craftsmen in spite of their theories Use of symbols to make the abstract more understandable

24 Poet or writer tries to present ordinary things of life in a new way, through imagination
Music was held in high esteem Addition of strangeness to beauty Often looked toward the foreign and strange--mystical

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