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Warm Up 5/7 Would you vote for a third party if you agreed with their views? Why or why not?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 5/7 Would you vote for a third party if you agreed with their views? Why or why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 5/7 Would you vote for a third party if you agreed with their views? Why or why not?

2 Objectives SWBAT differentiate between liberal and conservative ideals
describe the importance of third parties in modern politics

3 Liberal or Conservative

4 Liberal or Conservative?
Our national government should tax less and therefore allow its citizens to decide how best to spend their money.

5 Liberal or Conservative?
When companies are given more economic freedoms they create more jobs and opportunities for citizens to become prosperous.

6 Liberal or Conservative?
Freedom of speech should be protected even if we find that speech offensive.

7 Liberal or Conservative?
Parents and students should be given the choice as to what type of schooling is best for their children, even if that choice is a religious school.

8 Liberal or Conservative?
Our government has an obligation to provide for all citizens basic necessities like food and healthcare.

9 What does your political ideology help you to decide?

10 Political Party A group of people who share similar views on issues & elect government officials who best promote those views

11 Political Terms Moderate Independent
A person opposed to extremes in political beliefs Independent A person not affiliated with a political party

12 Main role of Parties To get their party’s candidate elected
Provide campaign funds Sponsor political ads Promote candidate’s platform

13 Major Parties Democratic Party, founded circa 1828 grew out of Democratic- Rep. Party Republican Party, founded by Northern abolitionists

14 Minor or 3rd Parties Emphasizes environmentalism
Green Party Emphasizes environmentalism Gov’t should work to end poverty Libertarians Laissez-faire economy Strong support of civil rights No gov’t intervention in foreign affairs

15 Can You Tell the Difference?
You and your partner will look over different party platforms. Decide which one is for the Democrats, Republicans, Greens, and Libertarians.


17 Analyze the cartoon

18 3rd Parties Types Bolter Party: Formed by major political leaders who temporarily drop out of their party to form a third party and use it to vent frustrations over things being done Ex: Bullmoose party created by Teddy Roosevelt Ideological: Formed by people who feel the two main parties are not dealing with major issues in American society. Ex: Communist, Socialist, Greens and Libertarians Single Issue Party: Formed because they feel two major parties are ignoring a key issue. Ex: Natural Law, Free Soil, Liberty

19 Benefits of Third Parties
Third parties have forced major parties to deal with issues they wanted to ignore. Have represented ignored groups in society Kept the other two parties on their toes.

20 Why haven’t they been successful?
Not viable party – why waste your vote? Poor – Lack of money. Lack of Media Coverage Often their issues are too narrow. Don’t affect a wider audience. Election rules make it tough to get on the ballot or in a debate. Dissolve when major parties steal their issues Perot’s Reform Party went from 19%(1992) to 10% (1996) to <1% (2000)

21 How can third parties make a big impact?
King Maker election: A third party takes enough votes away from the major party they are most closely ideologically aligned with to allow the opposing major party to win. TR and the Progressives Perot 1992

22 Nader Green

23 Does Party Even Matter? Does the New York City election demonstrate that parties matter? Were the differences between the candidates merely personal differences or were the candidates representing long-standing differences between the two major parties? Were the differences between the parties in the mayor's race atypical of the partisan clashes in other elections?

24 Summary Ex: thought they were liberal, but they’re really conservative
Was your ideology profile what you expected? Why or why not? Why might some people have a profile that is different than they originally thought it might be? Ex: thought they were liberal, but they’re really conservative Based on your ideology, what political party would you join?

25 Homework Read the article and respond in a paragraph on the back.
Cite examples or evidence to back up your opinion.

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