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BR Jan 31- Feb 2.

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1 BR Jan 31- Feb 2

2 Bellringer January 31 Draw a simple picture of the three type of mountains (folded, fault-block, volcanic). Describe folding of rocks. What is a fault?

3 Bellringer February 1 Upon studying an ice core, scientists find a particular band is very wide. What could this mean? A scientists finds a fossil of a shark tooth high in the mountains. What could this mean? Rocks from mountains on two different continents were found to have formed at the same time and have the same composition. What could this mean?

4 Bellringer February 2 How could sedimentary rock show Earth’s history?
How does the erosion of mountains support uniformitarianism? Draw a simple picture describing law of superposition. Label where the rock is the oldest and where the rock is the youngest.

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