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The Most Dangerous Game

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1 The Most Dangerous Game
Vocabulary The Most Dangerous Game Palpable – adj. able to be felt Indolently- adv. lazily Naïve – adj. – unsophisticated Scruples – n. misgivings about something one fells is wrong Grotesque – adj. shocking or offensive Futile – adj. hopeless

2 The Gift of the Magi Instigates - v, stirs up
Depreciate - v. reduce in value Cascade – n. small steep waterfall or anything that suggests a waterfall Faltered – v. acted hesitantly Prudence – n. sensible and careful attitude Discreet – adj. careful about what one says or does

3 The Interlopers Precipitous – adj. Steep, sheer
Acquiesced - v. agreed quietly without enthusiasm Feud – n. long violent quarrel between clans or families Disputed – adj. contested, argued about Condolences – n. expression of sympathy with another in grief Interlopers – n. people who intrude or meddle in other peoples lives

4 The Necklace Rueful – adj. feeling sorrow or regret
Dejection – n. lowness of spirit Fortitude – n. strength to bear misfortune and pain Disheveled – adj. untidy Profoundly – adv. deeply

5 The Cask of Amontillado
Precluded – v. prevented Retribution – n. payback, punishment for a misdeed Afflicted- v. suffering of sickened Explicit – adj. clearly stated Recoiling – v. staggering back Subsided – v. settled down, became less active or intense

6 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Distraught – adj. – very troubled or disturbed Insolent – adj. – boldly disrespectful Insinuatingly – adv. – suggesting indirectly Pandemonium – n. – any place or scene of wild disorder, noise or confusion Derisive – adj. – showing contempt or ridicule Inscrutable – adj. – baffling, mysterious

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