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Somalia By: Abdikadir Abdi.

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1 Somalia By: Abdikadir Abdi

2 Introduction My name is Abdikadir Abdi and my native country is Canada. I am 14 years old. In this presentation you will discover some interesting facts about my country Both my parents were born in Somalia

3 Sports The most popular sport in Somalia is soccer. The first professional teams were first established in the 1940’s. The competitions were basic in structure, and were associated with the anti-colonial movement.  There are ten teams in the Somali league

4 Cuisine In Somalia, there is a variety of food to eat there
For breakfast, the most common type of food is Caanjaroo At lunch, most people eat rice with camel meat At dinner, spaghetti and chicken is everyone's favourite

5 Religion The main religion in Somalia is Islam
Christianity is also a small group in Somalia Small ethnic minorities practice folk tradition

6 Language The official language in Somalia is Somali
There are also some that speak a bit of arabic

7 Clothes The culture of Somalia is an amalgamation of traditions in Somalia Somali men typically wear the macawis (ma'awiis), which is sarong-like garment worn around the waist and a large cloth wrapped around the upper part of their body. women wear the dirac, a long, light, diaphanous voile dress made of cotton or polyester fabric.

8 Music Membranophones: nasaro, mokhoddon and masoondhe , reeme, jabbu and yoome (small drums) Aerophones: malkad and siinbaar (flutes), sumaari (double clarinet), fuugwo (trumpet) Buun, muufe and gees-goodir (horns); Idiophones: shagal (metal hoe-blades), shanbaal (wooden clappers), shunuuf (vegetable ankle rattles), tenegyo (xylophone) Chordophones: shareero (lyre), kinaamdha (lute), madhuube (thumb piano), seese (one-chord violin)

9 Conclusion I hope you’ve enjoyed this presentation of my background country Somalia

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