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Python 13 Mr. Husch.

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Presentation on theme: "Python 13 Mr. Husch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Python 13 Mr. Husch

2 Aim This lesson combines the argv command as well as raw_input ( ) and how they can be used to prompt users. Create a program that uses both argv and raw_input ( ) command

3 Open CMD Show your neighbor your lesson 12 in your cmd.
If you are having trouble opening your program look at the 12 PowerPoint to remind you. Remember cd.. Is how you change directory. DIR is how you pull up the directory CD program name is how you open it.


5 Run in CMD Test this program in CMD.
Now you need to change what the program is asking for. After you have made the changes you need to add 5 more question. Turn in your

6 Journam What happens if you change the prompt to something else completely? How do you feel about your ability to use these commands?

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