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Vocab List #3 ACT.

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1 Vocab List #3 ACT

2 Blatant Ambivalence (noun) mixed feelings or emotions
The students were filled with ambivalence when switching from blocks to hours this year. (adj.) noisy in a vulgar or offensive manner Mr. Wilson’s blatant remarks offended the referee and he was asked to leave the game.

3 Copious Expendable (adj.) large in number or quantity; affording an abundant supply The copious amount of candy after Halloween made my children sick! (adj.) able to be spent or done away with My expendable income is spent at the mall!

4 Gluttony Intuition (noun) eating to excess; habitual eating to excess I was eating in gluttony at thanksgiving dinner; I was a true glutton. (noun) instinctive knowing My intuition told me that something was wrong with my friend.

5 Narcissistic Overt (adj.) open and observable; not secret or hidden
(adj.) characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance Kanye West’s narcissistic personality makes me despise him. (adj.) open and observable; not secret or hidden She was overt in her love for Drake.

6 Squander Usurp (verb) spend extravagantly; spend thoughtlessly; throw away or waste I squandered all my money away on vacation. (verb) to seize or hold in possession by force without right Mrs. Goodson tried to usurp the power in the English department.

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