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Welcome to The Hannah Corporation

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to The Hannah Corporation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to The Hannah Corporation
One Dictator, One Company

2 The Hannah Corporation: Basic Information
The Hannah Corporation is abbreviated THC This abbreviation is only to be used while typing or writing Never say THC in reference to The Hannah Corporation

3 The Hannah Corporation: Security Policy
Never speak of anything you do in a THC office or for THC Do not bring your family to work, they will be killed upon entry Do not send s or any other communication outside of a THC network, the computer will explode and they are expensive

4 The Hannah Corporation: Our CEO and Dictator
Hannah is our CEO and dictator Do not question her Do not talk to her If you say something about her that she doesn’t approve you will be killed

5 The Hannah Corporation: What you will do
You will be sitting in a small cubicle all day You will be doing mindless busy work for our clients You will have no life, thoughts, or soul while working in your cubicle

6 The Hannah Corporation: Why you do busy work
Do not question why just do it If you ask we will say, “You do busy work because our CEO and dictator says so.”

7 The Hannah Corporation: How to get a promotion
Kill a competitor's CEO Do something very helpful for the company Stay in your cubicle Dedicate you life to THC

8 The Hannah Corporation: Your Lunch Break
You get an hour for lunch If you mess up you will lose your lunch hour Do not eat breakfast food for lunch unless it is breakfast day

9 The Hannah Corporation: Our Competitors
Any company or group not positively associated with THC is a competitor If you see a competitor’s employee walking near a THC office kill or injure them Do not kill or injure anyone from an insurance company, we would lose their favor If you see a competitor’s CEO kill them, you will get extra days off or a raise depending on my mood

10 The Hannah Corporation: Our Sponsors
Here at THC we are a corporation sponsored by Chibi Do not kill or injure anyone from Chibi Even if they work at a competitor

11 The Hannah Corporation and You
The diagram to the left show relationships throughout THC The very large man is THC The very small man is all affiliated businesses You are the speck in the grass

12 The Hannah Corporation: Leaving
The only way to leave THC is to die, retire, or get fired If you get fired you literally get fired from a cannon If you die we give you a mass funeral with all the other employees who died. We will not say kind words.

13 The Hannah Corporation: Retirement
After retirement you will be locked in your house forever Think carefully before leaving us

14 The Hannah Corporation: Our Rights
As our CEO and Dictator, Hannah reserves the right to strangle you at any moment. As out sponsor, Chibi members reserve the right to strangle you as well.

15 The Hannah Corporation: Your Rights
You are an employee, you have no rights. Employee states “I love The Hannah Corporation.” The specified employee died because we did not assign him to say that. Though it was a nice thought.

16 The Hannah Corporation: The End
Now get back to work.

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