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Physics 451/551 Theoretical Mechanics

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1 Physics 451/551 Theoretical Mechanics
G. A. Krafft Old Dominion University Jefferson Lab Lecture 18 G. A. Krafft Jefferson Lab

2 Sound Waves Properties of Sound Requires medium for propagation
Mainly longitudinal (displacement along propagation direction) Wavelength much longer than interatomic spacing so can treat medium as continuous Fundamental functions Mass density Velocity field Two fundamental equations Continuity equation (Conservation of mass) Velocity equation (Conservation of momentum) Newton’s Law in disguise

3 Fundamental Functions
Density ρ(x,y,z), mass per unit volume Velocity field

4 Continuity Equation Consider mass entering differential volume element
Mass entering box in a short time Δt Take limit Δt→0

5 By Stoke’s Theorem. Because true for all dV
Mass current density (flux) (kg/(sec m2)) Sometimes rendered in terms of the total time derivative (moving along with the flow) Incompressible flow and ρ constant

6 Pressure Scalar Displace material from a small volume dV with sides given by dA. The pressure p is defined to the force acting on the area element Pressure is normal to the area element Doesn’t depend on orientation of volume External forces (e.g., gravitational force) must be balanced by a pressure gradient to get a stationary fluid in equilibrium Pressure force (per unit volume)

7 Hydrostatic Equilibrium
Fluid at rest Fluid in motion As with density use total derivative (sometimes called material derivative or convective derivative)

8 Fluid Dynamic Equations
Manipulate with vector identity Final velocity equation One more thing: equation of state relating p and ρ

9 Energy Conservation For energy in a fixed volume
ε internal energy per unit mass Work done (first law in co-moving frame) Isentropic process (s constant, no heat transfer in)


11 Bernoulli’s Theorem Exact first integral of velocity equation when
Irrotational motion External force conservative Flow incompressible with fixed ρ Bernouli’s Theorem If flow compressible but isentropic

12 Kelvin’s Theorem on Circulation
Already discussed this in the Arnold material To linear order

13 The circulation is constant about any closed curve that moves with the fluid. If a fluid is stationary and acted on by a conservative force, the flow in a simply connected region necessarily remains irrotational.

14 Lagrangian for Isentropic Flow
Two independent field variables: ρ and Φ Lagrangian density Canonical momenta

15 Euler Lagrange Equations
Hamiltonian Density internal energy plus potential energy plus kinetic energy

16 Sound Waves Linearize about a uniform stationary state
Continuity equation Velocity equation Isentropic equation of state

17 Flow Irrotational Take curl of velocity equation. Conclude flow irrotational Scalar wave equation Boundary conditions

18 3-D Plane Wave Solutions
Ansatz Energy flux

19 Helmholz Equation and Organ Pipes
Velocity potential solves Helmholtz equation BCs Cylindrical Solutions

20 Bessel Function Solutions
Bessel Functions solve Eigenfunctions Fundamental Open ended

21 Green Function for Wave Equation
Green Function in 3-D Apply Fourier Transforms Fourier transform equation to solve and integrate by parts twice

22 Green Function Solution
The Fourier transform of the solution is The solution is The Green function is

23 Alternate equation for Green function
Simplify Yukawa potential (Green function)

24 Helmholtz Equation Driven (Inhomogeneous) Wave Equation
Time Fourier Transform Wave Equation Fourier Transformed

25 Green Function Green function satisfies

26 Green function is Satisfies Also, with causal boundary conditions is

27 Causal Boundary Conditions
Can get causal B. C. by correct pole choice Gives so-called retarded Green function Green function evaluated ω k plane

28 Method of Images Suppose have homogeneous boundary conditions on the x-y half plane. The can solve the problem by making an image source and making a combined Green function. The rigid boundary solution has To satisfy the boundary condition so that the solution vanishes on the boundary

29 Kirchhoff’s Approximation
We all know sound waves diffract (easily pass around corners). Standard approximation “schema” Zeroth solution the Image GF Boundary condition not correct at hole

30 In RHP Exact relation For short wavelengths, evaluate RHS as if screen not there! Huygens’ Principle

31 Babinet’s Principle Apply Green’s identity

32 Diffracted Amplitude Fresnel diffraction: phase shifts across the aperture important. Full integral must be completed Fraunhofer diffraction Pattern is the transverse Fourier Transform!

33 Two Cases Rectangular aperture Destructive interference at qxa=π
Circular aperture Airy disk (angle of first zero)

34 Equation for Heat Conduction
Field variable: temperature scalar Additional inputs: heat capacity (at constant pressure) cp, thermal conductivity kth Thermal diffusivity Heat Equation

35 Boundary Conditions Closed boundary surface held at constant Tex
Insulating surface Separate variables Helmholtz again

36 Long Rectangular Rod Long ends held at temperature T0 Eigensolutions

37 General Solution Find expansion coefficients with the orthogonality relations Long term solution dominated by slowest decaying mode

38 Thermal Waves Put periodic boundary condition on plane z = 0
1-D problem

39 Penetration Depth Exponential falloff length (for amplitude)
Solution for thermal wave On earth, 3.2 m with a one year period!

40 Green Function for Heat Equation
Fourier Transform spatial dependence Solve using initial condition

41 Complete the square

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