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Bellringer Black nationalists rejected the goals of the civil rights movement in the 1960s because they supported a doctrine that called for blacks completely.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Black nationalists rejected the goals of the civil rights movement in the 1960s because they supported a doctrine that called for blacks completely."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Black nationalists rejected the goals of the civil rights movement in the 1960s because they supported a doctrine that called for blacks completely separating from white society. believed that nonviolent protesting was necessary for achieving racial equality. did not want to associate with the conformity and materialism in American culture. were more concerned with spreading propaganda about whites than gaining equal rights.

2 How many correct = level of mastery
Learning Target U9T1 U9T2 U9T3 U9T4 U9T5 Question 1,2 3,4,5 6,7 8,9 10,11,12 How many correct = level of mastery 0= level 1 1= level 2 2= level 3 1-2= level 2 3= level 3 U9T6 U9T7 U9T8 U9T9 U9T10 U9T11 13,14 15,16 17,18,19 20,21 22,23 24,25 U9T12 U9T13 U9T14 U9T15 U9T16 U9T17 26,27 28,29,30 31,32 33,34 35,36 37,38

3 Domestic Policies 1960s/1970s

4 Recap: Kennedy What was the name of the failed invasion in Cuba?
Bay of Pigs Invasion How did the Kennedy presidency end? He was assassinated

5 Recap: Johnson What event helped spark the Vietnam War?
Gulf of Tonkin Incident What act did he sign in 1964 to help African Americans? Civil Rights Act of 1964

6 Recap: Nixon What was Nixon’s plan to end the Vietnam War?
Vietnamization What country did Nixon secretly bomb? Cambodia

7 President’s Domestic Policy – 10Z
You have 10 minutes to read each information sheet. Answer all questions about each president. After the readings are done, take 5 minutes and come up with a ranking of the three presidents (1 being best, 3 being worst) You need at least one reason why for each president

8 Watergate There was a break in at the Democratic National Committee
The burglars took classified information on the Democratic nominee, George McGovern The burglars were found to be connected to high ranking officials in the White House

9 Watergate Continued Nixon forced the resignation of all those close to him, including his Vice President Spiro Agnew When assured he would be impeached, he resigned on August 9, 1974 His resignation leaves Gerald Ford as president

10 OPEC In 1960, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was created Nations that banded together to control petroleum prices What do we use Petroleum for? Gerald Ford continued support of Israel Where are a lot of the OPEC countries located? Do these countries get along with Israel?

11 OPEC Crisis The supporting of Israel led to the OPEC countries refusing to sell U.S. gasoline What would you do if gasoline jumped from $3.80 to $9.50? The actions of OPEC caused gas prices to jump and created gas shortages People waited in line for HOURS to get gasoline

12 1976 Election Gerald Ford (Republican) Jimmy Carter (Democrat)
Start of a depression in 1973 Gas prices were high and people were unsatisfied Campaign based around the idea “I am not Nixon!” Peanut Farmer from Georgia Had a degree in Nuclear Physics Governor of Georgia Campaigned on the idea he was a common man

13 President Carter Carter defeats Ford
First President from the “Deep South” since 1849 This shows a distrust of anyone out of the Nixon presidency Economic problems hurt Ford and people hoped Carter would fix them

14 Carter and the Economy The economic problems continued through Carter’s presidency Unemployment rose past 8% Rising inflation and unemployment led to an economic depression in the mid 1970s

15 Who is to blame? People felt Carter was unprepared
Carter believed people had no confidence in the economy Why would having no confidence in the economy lead to a depression? How popular is a President during a depression?

16 Exit Slip You should have questions 1-5 completed at this time.

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