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9th Grade Literature Vocabulary Unit 5.

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1 9th Grade Literature Vocabulary Unit 5

2 amnesty a general pardon for an offense against a government
any act of forgiveness or absolution

3 autonomy self-government political control home rule

4 axiomatic self-evident
expressing a universally accepted principle or rule obviously true taken for granted

5 blazon to adorn to embellish to publish or proclaim widely broadcast
trumpet conceal bury

6 Caveat A warning or caution to prevent misunderstanding

7 equitable fair just right reasonable --------------------------------
unjust unfair one-sided

8 extricate to free from entanglements or difficulties
to remove with effort disentangle extract entangle involve

9 filch to steal, especially in a sneaky way and in petty amounts pilfer

10 flout to mock to treat with contempt to scoff at to sneer at to scorn
to honor to revere

11 fractious tending to be troublesome quarrelsome contrary

12 precept a rule of conduct or action principle maxim

13 Salutary Beneficial, helpful

14 scathing bitterly severe harsh ferocious

15 scourge to whip to punish severely a cause of affliction or suffering
severe punishment flog beat plague

16 Sepulchral Typical of the tomb Extremely gloomy or dismal

17 Soporific Tending to cause sleep

18 straitlaced extremely strict in regard to moral standards and conduct
puritanical overly strict indulgent permissive

19 transient lasting only a short time one who stays only a short time
impermanent permanent

20 unwieldy not easily carried, handled, or managed because of size or complexity cumbersome bulky easy to handle

21 vapid dull uninterested lacking in sharpness or clarity lifeless
colorless colorful lively

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