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As you review the sentences and cartoons, determine the meaning of the word “protocol”.

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Presentation on theme: "As you review the sentences and cartoons, determine the meaning of the word “protocol”."— Presentation transcript:

1 As you review the sentences and cartoons, determine the meaning of the word “protocol”.

2 The protocol, or procedure, for a fire drill is different for every classroom.
Protocol for writing RDWs is always the same: a full page, use and highlight SOWs and WOWs and stamp them before turning them in on Fridays. Police officers follow protocol for entering a crime scene, or they are reprimanded by their superiors.

3 How is Oog not in compliance with evolution protocols?

4 If you are following protocol, are you thinking outside of the box
If you are following protocol, are you thinking outside of the box? What is a synonym for protocol?

5 What is another synonym for protocol?

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