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Hello! Please take out your memoir materials that you began on Friday.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello! Please take out your memoir materials that you began on Friday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello! Please take out your memoir materials that you began on Friday.
Continue to brainstorm by… Making a list of memoir topics (at least 5) Free write for a few minutes about the significance of that experience to you NOW Reminder: You will be handing these prewriting materials (list and free write) in with your memoir drafts.

2 Memoir Essay Assignment – fast facts
Due Wednesday, 2/12 2-3 pages double spaced Must include evidence from each step in the writing workshop

3 On the topic of “Journeys”
Jane smiley

4 Reactions: What are the two attitudes of Smiley presented here, separated by time? What exactly happens in the story that she is telling? Complete the sentences, “I like the way that the author…” or “Why did the author…”

5 Tips for your rough draft:
Make sure you have a story to tell with a beginning, middle, and end – don’t just pontificate or rant about life. Have a clear CONFLICT in your story – what is the tension that you have learned from? Make sure your memoir lives in two worlds…

6 Framing your memoir: PRESENT REFLECTION
ORIGINAL STORY (past) PRESENT REFLECTION A framed story is when you begin with the present time as your setting and then launch into a story from the past. Both fiction and nonfiction Example: The Great Gatsby When you frame a story, BE CAREFUL navigating between the past and present settings – it can become confusing for the reader. Make the transitions clear

7 Excerpts from Gatsby, Chapter 1
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever; I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart. No — Gatsby turned out all right at the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short- winded elations of men.

8 Tips for your rough draft:
Make sure you have a story to tell – don’t just pontificate or rant about life. Have a clear understanding of your own story, and make sure your reader can follow the sequence of events. There should be an obvious beginning, middle, and end FINISH YOUR ROUGH DRAFT – HARD COPY DUE AT BEGINNING OF CLASS MONDAY

9 Do now: CHALLENGE! Get ready to write.
On a new piece of paper, please tell me about your favorite trip/vacation in a paragraph. BUT – you are not allowed to pick up your pencil while writing. For spaces, just underline between words. Meaning, do not revise or erase as you go This should be a stream of consciousness

10 Writer’s Workshop Introduction
Prewriting Reading examples, brainstorming, organizing/planning First Draft Peer Editing Revisions/Editing Second Draft (Final) Your memoirs will only go through one round of peer edits and revision.

11 Why Workshop? Every word must have a purpose. Otherwise you are wasting your reader’s time. If someone is willing to devote their time and attention to your writing, you must make it worth their while. Editing allows you to question the significance and arrangement of each word. It is like a puzzle for which you must test the compatibility of every individual piece.

12 Stephen King, from on writing…
“When you write a book, you spend day after day scanning and identifying the trees. When you’re done, you have to step back and look at the forest.”

13 Peer editing Trade rough drafts with a partner.
Read the entire memoir before you make ANY marks or comments. Then begin to read a second time, and fill out the peer editing form as you go. After editing, you will exchange with your partner and discuss. DON’T FORGET – these peer editing forms are turned in with your memoir.

14 “All children, except one, grow up.”
Do now: “All children, except one, grow up.” The above is the opening line of a famous book, talk with your seat buddy about what book this may be.

15 Opening line mini lesson
The opening line of a book is crucial. In one sentence you must pull readers into the story and pique their interest, as well as set up the major elements of your story. No pressure.

16 Revising for final draft
Reminders: Strengthen your introduction Highlight your conflict Clarify your frame Refine your reflections Narrative Memoir Essay is due at the start of class on Thursday, February 13th.

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