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Macbeth character profiles Macbeth Lady Macbeth King Duncan Banquo

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1 Macbeth character profiles Macbeth Lady Macbeth King Duncan Banquo
The Witches Macduff Malcolm Doctor

2 Macbeth Duty Betrayal Brutality Revenge Ambition Conflicted
At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a loyal and dutiful solider to King Duncan. Duty Betrayal Brutality Revenge Ambition Conflicted

3 Lady Macbeth partner in crime: part of plot to kill the king
Lady Macbeth is a ruthless character who will stop at nothing to achieve her ambition of seizing power. Ambition Betrayal Consequence Madness Manipulation Gender Roles

4 King Duncan killed by Macbeth
King Duncan is a kind king who is respected by the people of Scotland he rules over. kind respected betrayed victim authority paternal

5 Banquo fights with Macbeth in King Duncan’s army
Banquo is a loyal solider to King Duncan and remains loyal after the witches’ prophecy. loyal threat endangered tragedy dutiful suspicious

6 The Witches predict the future to Macbeth & Banquo
The witches’ prophecy states Macbeth will be king: this stirs Macbeth’s evil thoughts and ruthless ambition. prophecy visionaries temptation tragedy supernatural symbol of danger

7 Macduff kills Macbeth in revenge for the murder of his children
Macduff murders Macbeth in revenge for killing his children and Kind Duncan. revenge betrayed distraught honourable loyal bloodlust

8 Malcolm son of King Duncan: suspected of father’s murder
After the murder of his father, King Duncan, Malcolm flees Scotland suspected of his father’s murder. suspected justice revenge army victims fear

9 The Doctor treats Lady Macbeth’s madness
The Doctor is called to the castle to treat Lady Macbeth’s madness: a madness rooted in guilt for killing King Duncan. help concern fear messenger investigation note-taking

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