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Biodiversity Preservation Organization

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiversity Preservation Organization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiversity Preservation Organization

2 Agenda/Topics To Be Covered
BPO Agenda/Topics To Be Covered History of non-profit/vision Who’s who Policies Benefits Performance reviews Other resources Required paperwork Summary

3 BPO What We Do BPO was founded by several environmentalists who were concerned about the state of the world’s biodiversity. BPO has been an integral part of the preservation and protection of wildlife and diverse habitats and continues to advocate its mission around the globe.

4 Our Vision: To Preserve Life in All Its Forms
BPO Our Vision: To Preserve Life in All Its Forms

5 BPO Important Facts Human actions are contributing to the rapid decline in biodiversity throughout the world. Through the development of conservation programs, market tools, and strong leadership, we can stop this alarming trend!

6 BPO Who’s Who Jeanne Trudeau Executive Director Sali Roberts Director
Chris Deane Beth Dahl Programs Alice Jansky Melissa Brown Membership

7 BPO Company Policies Hours: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. M-F
Some weekend hours, depending on projects Distribute the company handbook and answer questions

8 BPO Other Resources Company handbook Employee handbook
Contact/phone list

9 BPO Summary BPO is proud to have you here!

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