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Barbara Vanderstraeten Ghent University Hospital 19 January 2008

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1 Barbara Vanderstraeten Ghent University Hospital 19 January 2008
What is dose painting? Barbara Vanderstraeten Ghent University Hospital 19 January 2008

2 Outline Introduction Technical solution Planning studies Conclusions

3 I. Introduction Anatomical vs. biological imaging
Tumor biology characterization Biological imaging for RT Biological Target Volume Dose painting By contours By numbers

4 Imaging for RT From V Grégoire

5 Anatomical imaging CT MRI

6 Biological imaging PET SPECT fMRI MRSI Brain Tumor

7 Tumor biology characterization
Radiotracer Characterization 18F-FDG Glucose metabolism 18F-FLT DNA synthesis 11C-MET Protein synthesis 60Cu-ATSM, 18F-FMISO Hypoxia Radiolabeled Annexin V Apoptosis Radiolabeled aVb3 integrin antagonists Angiogenesis S Apisarnthanarax and KSC Chao. Radiat Res 2005;163:1-25.

8 Biological imaging for RT
Improvement of diagnostic and staging accuracy Guidance of target volume definition and dose prescription Evaluation of therapeutic response

9 Target volume definition
Gross tumor volume (GTV) Clinical target volume (CTV) Planning target volume (PTV)

10 Biological target volume (BTV)
Tumor burden: clonogene celdensiteit 124I IUDR (lang half-leven!) CC Ling, J Humm, S Larson et al Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2000;47:

11 Dose painting Over mekaar leggen; minder evident dan ik hier zeg

12 Dose painting by contours

13 Dose painting by contours
KSC Chao, WR Bosch, S Mutic et al Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2001;49:

14 Dose painting by contours
KSC Chao, WR Bosch, S Mutic et al Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2001;49:

15 Dose painting by contours
18F-FDG-PET-guided dose painting in head and neck cancer: phase I clinical trial (41 patients) I Madani, W Duthoy, C Derie et al Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2007;68:

16 Dose painting by numbers

17 Dose painting by numbers
Biologically Conformal Radiation Therapy

18 II. Technical solution Relationship between signal intensity and radiation dose Treatment plan optimization Treatment plan evaluation Example

19 Relationship between signal intensity and radiation dose
Ilow Ihigh Dlow Dhigh Signal intensity

20 Treatment plan optimization
B Vanderstraeten et al. Phys Med Biol 2006;51:N277-86

21 Treatment plan evaluation
QVH 3-D: 2-D: QVH, “effective DVH”, “spatially-normalized DVH” 1-D:

22 Example: 18F-FDG-PET-guided BCRT for oropharyngeal cancer

23 Example: 18F-FDG-PET-guided BCRT for oropharyngeal cancer
Feasibility Planning constraints OK Best biological conformity for the lowest level of dose escalation

24 III. Planning studies Feasibility of BCRT
18F-FDG-PET-guided BCRT for head and neck cancer B Vanderstraeten et al. Radiother Oncol 2006;79:249-58 18F-FMISO-guided BCRT for head and neck cancer D Thorwarth et al. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2007;68:

25 Feasibility of BCRT 18F-FMISO-PET-guided BCRT for a base-of-tongue cancer case M Alber et al. Phys Med Biol 2003;48:N31-5 18F-FDG-PET- and 99mTc-MAA-SPECT-guided BCRT for 2 lung cancer cases DK Das et al. Med Phys 2004;31: 18F-FDG-PET- guided BCRT for an oropharyngeal cancer case B Vanderstraeten et al. Phys Med Biol 2006;51:N277-86

26 18F-FDG-PET-guided BCRT for head and neck cancer

27 Set-up 15 head and neck cancer patients
18F-FDG-PET imaging of tumor metabolism Dose painting by contours (“contour-based IMRT”) versus dose painting by numbers (“voxel intensity-based IMRT”) Comparison of clinically relevant dose-volume characteristics Between “cb250” and “vib ” Between “vib ” and “vib ” DVHs

28 Target dose prescription
“cb250” (cGy/fx) “vib ” “vib ” PTVPET 250 PTV69+PET PTV69 216 PTV66 206 PTV62 194 PTV56 175

29 “cb250” (blue) versus “vib216-250” (green)

30 “vib216-250” (green) versus “vib216-300” (orange)

31 Example

32 Treatment plan evaluation
BCRT did not compromise the planning constraints for the OARs Best biological conformity was obtained for the lowest level of dose escalation Compared to dose painting by contours, improved target dose coverage was achieved using BCRT

33 18F-FMISO-guided BCRT for head and neck cancer
13 head and neck cancer patients 18F-FMISO-PET hypoxia imaging Comparison of Conventional IMRT 18F-FDG-PET-guided dose painting by contours 18F-FMISO-PET-guided dose painting by numbers DVHs, TCP

34 18F-FMISO-guided BCRT for head and neck cancer
D Thorwarth, SM Eschmann, F Paulsen and M Alber Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2007;68:

35 IV. Conclusions The rationale for dose painting is clear
Dose painting is technically feasible By contours By numbers Current issues? See Discussion at 12:30 Biological imaging PET and SPECT DCE-MRI, BOLD MRI, MRSI Requirement for precise treatment delivery (IGRT) Inter-fraction tumor tracking Anatomical and biological changes during RT Clinical trials


37 Radiobiology Nuclear medicine Radiotherapy physics Radiotherapy
Fundamental research in vitro, animal studies Radiobiology Biological imaging Tracers Acquisition, reconstruction, quantification Treatment planning and delivery Biological optimisation Adaptive RT Treatment outcome Nuclear medicine Radiotherapy physics TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH = translation of scientific discoveries into practical applications Radiotherapy Clinical investigations

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