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Methods used to hook an audience…

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1 Methods used to hook an audience…
Facts Humor Story Celebrity-Appeal Character-Appeal

2 Facts How do the facts add to the argument?
How do the facts add to the argument? What are the real and perceived values in the language and images? Which is more persuasive: the method of hooking the viewer or the language and images?

3 Humor How does the humor add to the argument?
How does the humor add to the argument? What are the real and perceived values in the language and images? Which is more persuasive: the method of hooking the viewer or the language and images?

4 Story How does the story add to the argument?
How does the story add to the argument? What are the real and perceived values in the language and images? Which is more persuasive: the method of hooking the viewer or the language and images?

5 Celebrity-Appeal How does the celebrity add to the argument?
How does the celebrity add to the argument? What are the real and perceived values in the language and images? Which is more persuasive: the method of hooking the viewer or the language and images?

6 Character-Appeal How does the character (morals/ethics) add to the argument? What are the real and perceived values in the language and images? Which is more persuasive: the method of hooking the viewer or the language and images?

7 What do you visualize when…
…I say 9/11? …I say Hurricane Katrina? …I say The Olympics? Why do these images stick in our memories? Why are images usually more memorable than words alone?

8 Visuals that Appeal to Emotion
Appreciate the emotional power of images…

9 Visuals that Appeal to Emotion
Appreciate the emotional power of color… For example, red attracts hummingbirds…and traffic cops  A lot of thought must be put into advertisement colors, so the purpose of one’s argument is clear If I was creating an ad for a baby clothes company, what colors would I use? What would I avoid? Why? If I was creating an ad for a tropical vacation, what colors would I use? What would I avoid? Why?

10 Visuals that Appeal to Character
Appreciate images that reinforce authority/credibility…

11 Visuals that Appeal to Character
Appreciate image fonts… Which of the following fonts look more warm and inviting? Why? Would font size affect one’s credibility? Why or why not? warm and inviting

12 Visuals that Appeal to Facts and Reason
Appreciate organized information… When headings are in the same type font, size, and color, people realize the information under these headings is in some way related Bulleted information is greatly beneficial for quick, brief points Pie charts, graphs, diagrams, drawings, maps, etc. are much more “visually pleasing” than a paragraph full of stats

13 Analyze Non-Print Ad#1 (on handout) As a class: What is real
Analyze Non-Print Ad#1 (on handout) As a class: What is real? What is perceived? Does it belong in the “bad”, “good”, or “impulsive buyer’s worst nightmare” category? What methods are used?

14 Analyze Non-Print Ad#2 (on handout) With a partner: What is real
Analyze Non-Print Ad#2 (on handout) With a partner: What is real? What is perceived? Does it belong in the “bad”, “good”, or “impulsive buyer’s worst nightmare” category? What methods are used?

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