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Life on the Edge – Cell Membranes

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1 Life on the Edge – Cell Membranes

2 Cellular Membrane & Transport

3 Look at all that stuff!!!! And it’s only 10nm thick!

4 Cell Membrane Structure – Who is hungry?
Davson and Danielli (1935) Proposed the “sandwich model” to explain membrane structure Lipid bilayer sandwiched between two protein layers Problems Later research showed: Proteins highly variable in size and shape Many too big for a 10nm thick structure Membrane was thin and uniform Many have non-polar regions, can’t interact with water

5 Cell Membrane Structure – Fluid Mosaic Model
1972 Singer and Nicolson propose the fluid mosaic model Mosaic because a variety of components are embedded in the phospholipid bilayer Fluid because the phospholipids and some components can drift laterally, like it’s a liquid

6 TEM picture of a real cell membrane.
About Cell Membranes All cells have a cell membrane Functions: Controls what enters and exits the cell to maintain an internal balance called homeostasis Provides protection and support for the cell TEM picture of a real cell membrane.

7 About Cell Membranes (continued)
Structure of cell membrane Lipid Bilayer -2 layers of phospholipids Phosphate head is polar (water loving) Fatty acid tails non-polar (water fearing) Proteins embedded in membrane Phospholipid Lipid Bilayer

8 Fluid Mosaic Model of the cell membrane
Polar heads love water & dissolve. Membrane movement animation Non-polar tails hide from water. Carbohydrate cell markers The Fluid Mosaic model – molecules can move about allowing the membrane to adjust/change. Proteins

9 Fluidity of the Cell Membrane
For cells to function, fluidity must be optimal Too Fluid: membrane structure is weakened Too Rigid: many functions, such as transport, cease As temperatures cool, membranes switch from fluid to solid The temperature at which this takes place depends on: Type of fatty acids Unsaturated: Double bonds prevent hydrocarbon chains from interacting via Van der Waals forces Kinks form, phospholipids more widely spaced, more fluid Saturated: hydrocarbon chains interact More viscous

10 Fluidity of the Cell Membrane
2) Presence of cholesterol: slightly amphipathic Low temperatures: maintains fluidity acting as a spacer between hydrocarbon chains High temperatures: maintains rigidity by interacting with phospholipid heads, restricting motion Cholesterol

11 About Cell Membranes (continued)
4. Cell membranes have pores (holes) in it Selectively permeable: Allows some molecules in and keeps other molecules out The structure helps it be selective! Pores

12 Structure of the Cell Membrane
Outside of cell Carbohydrate chains Proteins Lipid Bilayer Consists of a mixture of proteins , phospholipids and cholesterol Cholesterol adds flexibility in the phospholipids Due to differences in behaviour based on temperature, can also provide support Transport Protein Phospholipids Inside of cell (cytoplasm) Animations of membrane structure Go to Section:

13 Proteins Receptor proteins (communication) Recognition proteins
Structure: Proteins with attached sugar molecules. Glycoproteins -- Function: Attachment sites for molecules needing to enter, or for messenger molecules such as hormones. These are very specific to each person and play a role in recognizing our own cells (organ transplants). Proteins Receptor proteins (communication) Recognition proteins Transport proteins – carrier or channel

14 That’s it!

15 Types of Cellular Transport
Animations of Active Transport & Passive Transport Passive Transport cell doesn’t use energy Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis high low Weeee!!!

16 This is gonna be hard work!!
Active Transport cell does use energy Protein Pumps Endocytosis Exocytosis high low This is gonna be hard work!!

17 Passive Transport (HighLow) cell uses no energy
molecules move randomly Molecules spread out from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. (HighLow) Three types:

18 3 Types of Passive Transport
Diffusion Facilitative Diffusion – diffusion with the help of transport proteins Osmosis – diffusion of water

19 Simple Diffusion Animation
Diffusion: random movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. (High to Low) Diffusion continues until all molecules are evenly spaced (equilibrium is reached)-Note: molecules will still move around but stay spread out.

20 Facilitated diffusion (Channel Protein) Diffusion (Lipid Bilayer)
2. Facilitated diffusion: diffusion of specific particles through transport proteins found in the membrane Transport Proteins are specific – they “select” only certain molecules to cross the membrane Transports larger or charged molecules Facilitated diffusion (Channel Protein) Diffusion (Lipid Bilayer) Carrier Protein

21 Passive Transport: 2. Facilitated Diffusion
Glucose molecules Cellular Transport From a- High High Concentration Channel Proteins animations Cell Membrane Low Concentration Protein channel Low Transport Protein Through a  Go to Section:

22 Passive Transport: 3. Osmosis
Osmosis animation 3.Osmosis: diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane Water moves from high to low concentrations Water moves freely through pores. Solute (green) to large to move across.

23 Active Transport (Low  High) cell uses energy
actively moves molecules to where they are needed Movement from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration (Low  High) Three Types:

24 Types of Active Transport
Sodium Potassium Pumps (Active Transport using proteins) 1. Protein Pumps -transport proteins that require energy to do work Example: Sodium / Potassium Pumps are important in nerve responses. Protein changes shape to move molecules: this requires energy!

25 A QUESTION! HOW DO THE REALLY LARGE MOLECULES (Hormones, polysaccharides etc.) move in and out of cells??

26 An Answer!! By two processes called ENDOCYTOSIS AND EXOCYTOSIS.
Both methods require the use of vesicles and ATP!

27 Types of Active Transport
2. Endocytosis: taking bulky material into a cell Uses energy Cell membrane in-folds around food particle “cell eating” forms food vacuole & digests food This is how white blood cells eat bacteria! Three Types… Phagocytosis (Cell Eating): -Used by white blood cells and amoeba. -The cell moves out and surrounds the solid particle. 2. Pinocytosis (Cell drinking) -Same process as phagocytosis except the cell is moving liquids. 3. RME – Receptor Mediated Endocytosis -Special receptor molecules on the membrane bind with the large molecule to be moved. -When enough receptor molecules have gathered in one place, pinocytosis occurs. -E.g. Moving cholesterol into the cell.

28 Types of Active Transport
3. Exocytosis: Forces material out of cell in bulk membrane surrounding the material fuses with cell membrane Cell changes shape – requires energy EX: Hormones or wastes released from cell Endocytosis & Exocytosis animations

29 Effects of Osmosis on Life
Osmosis- diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane Water is so small and there is so much of it the cell can’t control it’s movement through the cell membrane.

30 Osmosis Animations for isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions
Hypotonic: The solution has a lower concentration of solutes and a higher concentration of water than inside the cell. (Low solute; High water)

31 Result: Water moves from the solution to inside the cell): Cell Swells and bursts open (cytolysis)!

32 Osmosis Animations for isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions
Hypertonic Solution Hypertonic: The solution has a higher concentration of solutes and a lower concentration of water than inside the cell. (High solute; Low water) shrinks

33 Result: Water moves from inside the cell into the solution: Cell shrinks (Plasmolysis)!

34 Osmosis Animations for isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions
Isotonic Solution Isotonic: The concentration of solutes in the solution is equal to the concentration of solutes inside the cell. Result: Water moves equally in both directions and the cell remains same size! (Dynamic Equilibrium)

35 B C A What type of solution are these cells in? Isotonic Hypotonic

36 How Organisms Deal with Osmotic Pressure
Paramecium (protist) removing excess water video Bacteria and plants have cell walls that prevent them from over-expanding. In plants the pressure exerted on the cell wall is called tugor pressure.

37 How Organisms Deal with Osmotic Pressure
Paramecium (protist) removing excess water video A protist like paramecium has contractile vacuoles that collect water flowing in and pump it out to prevent them from over-expanding. .

38 How Organisms Deal with Osmotic Pressure
Paramecium (protist) removing excess water video Salt water fish pump salt out of their specialized gills so they do not dehydrate. Animal cells are bathed in blood. Kidneys keep the blood isotonic by remove excess salt and water.

39 Done and Done!

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