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Vocabulary By: Alaya Neville.

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1 Vocabulary By: Alaya Neville

2 Word: Force Meaning: Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement Speed: The force of the explosion pushed the man back Key word: Strength

3 Word: Newton Meaning: A unit of force equal to the force
that imparts an acceleration of 1 m/sec/sec to a mass of 1 kilogram; equal to 100,000 dynes Sentence: if I pushed a car that was 4 Newton and I was 1 Newton I wouldn’t be able to move the vehicle Key word: Mass

4 Word: Net Force` Meaning: the sum of all the forces acting upon an object Sentence: The computer had a net force of zero. Key Word: Force

5 Word: Unbalanced Force
Meaning: two or more forces that are not equal and opposite of one another; can cause change in motion Sentence: there was an unbalanced force on the truck Key Word: Unbalanced

6 Word: Balanced Force Word: Equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions Sentence: There was a balanced force between me and the chair. Key Word: Balanced

7 Word: Sliding Friction
Word: Friction that occurs when one solid surface slides over another. Sentence: I was using sliding friction while going down the slide. Key word: Sliding

8 Word: Friction Meaning: a force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact Sentence: there was friction present while I was rubbing the sandpaper on the wood. Key word: Opposing

9 Word: Fluid Friction Word: Friction that occurs as an object moves through a fluid Sentence: I was using fluid friction while swimming with Sally. Key word: Fluid

10 Word: Gravity Word: Force that pulls object together.
Sentence: We would not be on earths surface without Gravity. Key Word: falling

11 Word: Inertia Word: An object's resistance to a change in motion.
Sentence: While in a race the inertia was holding my full capacity of winning back. Key Word: resistance

12 Word: Momentum Word: An impelling force or strength
Sentence: momentum was building in the roller coaster. Key Word: Impelling

13 Word: law of conversation of Momentum
Word: The rule that in the absence of outside forces the total momentum of objects that interact does not change. Sentence: the law of conversation of Momentum made the ball still Key Word: Rule

14 Word: Satellite Word: A object that orbits around another object
Satellite: The satellite fell and killed 0 people luckily Key Word: Orbiting

15 Word: Centripetal Force
Word: A force that causes an object to move in a circle Sentence: the ball was being moved in a Centripetal Force. Key Word: Circling

16 Word: Projectile Meaning: An object that is thrown
Sentence: I had an automatic machine that would projectile things Key Word: Thrown

17 Word: Weight Meaning: The vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity Sentence I weight about 90 pounds Key Word: Mass

18 Word: Free Fall Meaning: the motion of a falling object when the only force acting on it is gravity. Sentence: that ball was in a free fall. Key word: falling

19 Word: Air Resistance Meaning: Fluid friction acting on an object moving through the air, Force that opposes the motion of objects that move through the air Sentence: there was more air resistance between the elephant then the mouse Key Word: resistence

20 Word: Terminal Velocity
Meaning: The greatest velocity a falling object can achieve. Sentence: The terminal velocity of the ball was extremely low. Key word: Greater

21 Word: Velocity Meaning: the speed of an object in a particular direction Sentence: I hope the velocity is not that fast. Key Word: Direction

22 Word: Rolling Friction
Meaning: when an object rolls across a surface Sentence: The ball was using rolling friction Key word: Rolling

23 Static Friction Meaning: friction that acts on objects that are not moving Sentence: I was not moving so I was using static friction. Key Word: Static

24 Mass Meaning: The property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field Sentence: the mass was extremely great. Key Word: Ton

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