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Makemake By William C..

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1 Makemake By William C.

2 Introduction This is about the planet Makemake

3 Surface and Atmosphere
Scientists think the surface of my planet is very bright because it is covered with snow.It also has a bit of red color.Sientists think there is no atmospere on Make make but there could be. They believe that there are two gases on the planet. The methane and ethane gases. It could be possible that during the winter the gases fall as snow and that might cause a atmosphere but when it is summer the atmosphere is gone.

4 Temperature and Diameter
The temperature range is about -406 degrees fahrenheit. The diameter is about 1,600 km.

5 Moons and distance from sun
Makemake has no moons. The distance from the sun is 3.5 billion miles.

6 Miles from earth and hours a day
Makemake is about 3.4 billion miles from Earth. It takes Makemake 22.5 hours to rotate once.

7 How Long to Revolve Around the Sun and How did it get its Name
It takes 310 Earth years to revolve around the sun Makemake got its name by The God of Fertility .

8 Interesting facts or important facts
Makemake was discovered by M.E.Brown,C.A.Trijillo, and D.L.Rabinowitz at the Palomar Observatory.

9 Webliography Nasa,Makemake:Overview,
Space facts, Makemake facts, Windows to the universe

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