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USSSA Fast Pitch 2011 Rule Changes January 2011. Major Rule Changes Three Major Rule Changes were adopted for the 2011 Season. Rule 1.1 Pitching Distances.

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Presentation on theme: "USSSA Fast Pitch 2011 Rule Changes January 2011. Major Rule Changes Three Major Rule Changes were adopted for the 2011 Season. Rule 1.1 Pitching Distances."— Presentation transcript:

1 USSSA Fast Pitch 2011 Rule Changes January 2011

2 Major Rule Changes Three Major Rule Changes were adopted for the 2011 Season. Rule 1.1 Pitching Distances for 13U & 14U is 43 feet. Rule 5.4 Adopt DP/FLEX to replace DH. Rule 6.1 Require Two Feet on the pitching plate & No Backward Step. 2011 2 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes

3 Pitching Distance The Pitching Distance is 43 feet for 13U thru 18U. Increasing the pitching distance from 40 feet to 43 feet for 13U/14U in addition to 15U-18U. Brings USSSA into line with both college and high school. 2011 3 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 1 Sec 1

4 Adopt DP/FLEX to replace DH. Change was made to be consistent with high school and college rules. This adoption imposes additions to Definitions and Changes to Rules 3.61, 5.1, 5.4, 5.5, and 8.3. DP/FLEX 2011 4 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes

5 Rule 3 Sec 23,29,61 DP/FLEX 2011 5 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Add Definitions DESIGNATED PLAYER (DP) plays offense FLEX plays defense STARTING PLAYER. A starting player is one of the first nine, ten, eleven or twelve (if using the optional DP/FLEX and/or APs) listed on the lineup card that is approved by the Plate Umpire.

6 Rule 5 Sec 1 DP/FLEX 2011 6 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes A team may elect to include a DP/FLEX and/or up to two Additional Players (AP). The maximum number of players in the lineup is 12; The maximum number of batters in the lineup is 11.

7 Rule 5 Sec 4 A,B,C DP/FLEX 2011 7 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes DP/FLEX must be declared before game. The DPs name listed where batting. FLEX listed last. The DP must remain in the same position in the lineup for the entire game.

8 Order#PlayerPositionSubstitute 1 4Amy AdamsSS 2 5Bev BeachAP 3 16Cat CarrLF 4 39Debbie Dow1B 5 6Eva EvansDP 6 15Fran FooteCF 7 9Grace Good3B 8 3Heather High2B 9 7Izzy ItchC 10 22Jane JumpRF FLEX18Kris KrouseP 2011 8 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes #Player# 25Lacy Luck8Olive OLeary 1Mary Match10Pattie Proud 12Nancy Note Substitutes DP listed where battingFLEX listed Last

9 Any 9 in lineup can play defense. DP/FLEX 2011 9 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 5 Sec 4 F

10 Order#PlayerPositionSubstitute 1 4Amy AdamsSS 2 5Bev BeachAP 3 16Cat CarrLF 4 39Debbie Dow1B 5 6Eva EvansDP 6 15Fran FooteCF 7 9Grace Good3B 8 3Heather High2B 9 7Izzy ItchC 10 22Jane JumpRF FLEX18Kris KrouseP 2011 10 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes #Player# 25Lacy Luck8Olive OLeary 1Mary Match10Pattie Proud 12Nancy Note Substitutes NOT on Defense

11 Order#PlayerPositionSubstitute 1 4Amy AdamsSS 2 5Bev BeachAP 3 16Cat CarrLF 4 39Debbie Dow1B 5 6Eva EvansDP 6 15Fran FooteCF 7 9Grace Good3B 8 3Heather High2B 9 7Izzy ItchC 10 22Jane JumpRF FLEX18Kris KrouseP 2011 11 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes #Player# 25Lacy Luck8Olive OLeary 1Mary Match10Pattie Proud 12Nancy Note Substitutes NOT on Defense

12 Any 9 in lineup can play defense. If FLEX not on defense, FLEX out of game. Eliminates non-batting position. Reduces number in lineup. Must be reported. DP/FLEX 2011 12 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 5 Sec 4 F

13 Order#PlayerPositionSubstitute 1 4Amy AdamsSS 2 5Bev BeachAP 3 16Cat CarrLF 4 39Debbie Dow1B 5 6Eva EvansDP 6 15Fran FooteCF 7 9Grace Good3B 8 3Heather High2B 9 7Izzy ItchC 10 22Jane JumpRF FLEX18Kris KrouseP 2011 13 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes #Player# 25Lacy Luck8Olive OLeary 1Mary Match10Pattie Proud 12Nancy Note Substitutes NOT on Defense; Out of Game Non Batting Position Eliminated NOT on Defense

14 DP/FLEX 2011 14 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 5 Sec 4 D,E May substitute for DP at any time. DP may re-enter. If DP not on offense, DP out of game. FLEX batting for DP eliminates non-batting position. Reduces number in lineup. Must be reported.

15 Order#PlayerPositionSubstitute 1 4Amy AdamsSS 2 5Bev BeachAP 3 16Cat CarrLF 4 39Debbie Dow1B 5 6Eva EvansDP#18 6 15Fran FooteCF 7 9Grace Good3B 8 3Heather High2B 9 7Izzy ItchC 10 22Jane JumpRF FLEX18Kris KrouseP 2011 15 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes #Player# 25Lacy Luck8Olive OLeary 1Mary Match10Pattie Proud 12Nancy Note Substitutes Batting for DP Non Batting Position Eliminated NOT on Defense Evans NOT on Offense; Evans Out of Game

16 May substitute for FLEX at any time. FLEX may re-enter. The DP or an AP may play defense for the FLEX. In either case, the FLEX will leave the game. DP/FLEX 2011 16 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 5 Sec 4 G

17 The Non Batting Position can be Re-established. If FLEX re-enters into non batting position. If DP re-enters and FLEX moves back into non batting position. DP/FLEX 2011 17 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 5 Sec 4 G

18 FLEX can only bat/run for DP. The FLEX is ejected for batting/running for someone other than the DP. DP/FLEX 2011 18 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 5 Sec 4 H

19 Order#PlayerPositionSubstitute 1 4Amy AdamsSS 2 5Bev BeachAP 3 16Cat CarrLF 4 39Debbie Dow1B 5 6Eva EvansDP18 6 15Fran FooteCF 7 9Grace Good3B 8 3Heather High2B 9 7Izzy ItchC 10 22Jane JumpRF FLEX18Kris KrouseP 2011 19 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes #Player# 25Lacy Luck8Olive OLeary 1Mary Match10Pattie Proud 12Nancy Note Substitutes FLEX can only go Here Batting for DP in DP spot Non Batting Position Eliminated

20 The DP may play any defensive position, any time and any number of times. Does not count as a substitution for anyone except the FLEX. Must be reported. The FLEX may play offense in DPs position any time and any number of times. This is a substitution for the DP. Must be reported. The DP & FLEX can both be on defense at the same time. The DP & FLEX can NOT be on offense at the same. DP/FLEX 2011 20 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 5 Sec 5

21 No courtesy runner for DP. Unless DP is the pitcher or catcher of record. DP/FLEX 2011 21 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 8 Sec 3

22 Order#PlayerPositionSubstitute 1 4Amy AdamsSS 2 5Bev BeachAP 3 16Cat CarrLF 4 39Debbie Dow1B 5 6Eva EvansDP 6 15Fran FooteCF 7 9Grace Good3B 8 3Heather High2B 9 7Izzy ItchC 10 22Jane JumpRF FLEX18Kris KrouseP 2011 22 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes #Player# 25Lacy Luck8Olive OLeary 1Mary Match10Pattie Proud 12Nancy Note Substitutes Courtesy Runner Only if Evans pitcher or catcher, NOT on Defense

23 Must have Two feet on the pitching plate. Can NOT have one foot behind the pitching plate. Change was made to be consistent with college pitching rules. Pitching Prerequisites 2011 23 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 6 Sec 1

24 Part of the pivot foot must be on top of the pitchers plate. The non-pivot foot must be in contact with the pitchers plate. Both feet must be within the 24-inch length of the pitchers plate. Pitching Prerequisites 2011 24 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 6 Sec 1

25 Legal 2011 25 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Pivot foot on top; non-pivot foot touching. PF

26 Pivot Foot NOT on top of Pitchers Plate Illegal 2011 26 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes PF

27 Illegal 2011 27 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes No part of foot may be outside 24. PF

28 Must take one step Forward. Can NOT take a step Backward. Pitching Prerequisites 2011 28 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 6 Sec 1

29 Additional Rule Changes Further Rule Changes adopted for 2011 Season Rules 3.10 and 5.1.B Lineup – Require first and last names on lineup Rule 6.1.D Pitcher removing them self from pitching position Rule 9.6.A Retouch on awarded bases Rule 17.13.a and Rule 18.18.a Pitching Coach Restrictions Rule 17 Coach Pitch Rule rewritten 2011 29 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes

30 First & Last Names Require first and last names on lineup Resolve inconsistency in Rules 3.10 and 5.1.B. 2011 30 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rules 3 Sec 10 and 5 Sec 1

31 Withdraw from Pitching Position The Pitcher may stop the pitch when in the pitching position but before the pitch starts. She may step back or Request time. Explicit language as to how a pitcher who is on the rubber can remove them self from pitching position.. 2011 31 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 6 Sec 1 D

32 Retouch on awarded bases It should be explicitly stated that a runner may complete their advance or return. Old: A runner may not return to touch a missed base or one left too soon on a caught fly ball if: he has reached a base beyond the base missed or left too soon and the ball becomes dead. New : he has advanced, touched and remains beyond the base missed or left too soon and the ball becomes dead. 2011 32 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 9 Sec 6 A

33 Coach Pitch Changes Rule 17 Coach Pitch Rule rewritten Made restriction for coach pitching in Rule 17 Coach Pitch or feeding machine in Rule 18 Machine Pitch the same – Can only coach batter prior to pitch. 2011 33 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 17

34 Editorial Changes Editorial Changes were made – No intent to change current interpretation Rule 2 Equipment – Bat warmers Rule 3 Definitions – Base on Balls - Intentional Walk Rule 3 Definitions - Catch. Rule 3 Definition - Coachs Box - NEW Rule 3 Definition - Trap - NEW Rule 7 Sec 4. Clarify Batters feet in box. Rule 8.17 and 8.18.I - tagging runner resolve inconsistent wording 2011 34 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes

35 Bat Warmers Bat Warmers approved by USSSA are permitted. Explicitly state current policy 2011 35 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 2 Sec 11

36 Intentional Walk Old statement: There is no intentional walk in Fast Pitch. produced misinterpretation New statement The defense may not notify the umpire nor cause illegal pitch(es) to intentionally walk a batter. A team may intentionally walk a batter. However they must throw four pitches. They cannot simply declare to put the batter on base nor can the pitcher commit repeated illegal pitches. No change to current interpretation; Clarify meaning. 2011 36 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 3 Sec 3

37 Catch – Definition Rewritten Rewrite/Rearrange Section; Move definition of trap to separate definition A catch is the act of a fielder getting secure possession in a hand or glove of a live ball in flight and firmly holding it. In establishing a valid catch, the fielder shall hold the ball long enough to prove complete control of it and that the release of the ball is voluntary and intentional. Conditions for Valid Catch. Conditions when a Catch shall not be credited. 2011 37 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 3 Sec 15

38 Trap – Separate Definition Move definition of Trap from Catch to separate definition Establishes existing criteria in its own definition. Rule 3 Definition - Trap - NEW A batted fly ball or line drive is considered trapped if it hits the ground or a fence on a short hop before being caught. A thrown ball is considered trapped if it is caught but the ball is on the ground and the glove/mitt/hand is over, rather than under, it and the fielder does not have secure possession. A pitched ball is considered trapped if it is a strike but touches the ground on a short hop before being caught by the catcher. 2011 38 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 3 Sec 69

39 Coachs Box NEW Definition The coachs box is the area to which the two base coaches (one per box) are restricted prior to release of the pitch. Inserts Standard Definition 2011 39 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 3 Sec 17

40 Apparently Unconscious Under Injured Player, Change unconscious to Apparently unconscious. Easier definition to apply. Consistent with other associations. 2011 40 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 5 Sec 9

41 Time to Release Pitch Modify Rule: Once the ball has been returned to the pitcher to prepare for the next pitch or after the Umpire calls Play, the pitcher has 20 seconds to release the next pitch. Penalty: Dead ball; a ball on the batter Added to prepare for the next pitch and Reworded for Clarification 2011 41 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 6 Sec 1 K

42 Batters Feet in Box Current Rule: Prior to the pitch, the batter must have both feet completely within the lines of the batters box. The batter may touch the lines, but no part of the foot may be outside the lines prior to the pitch. Change to: Prior to the pitch, the batter must have both feet completely in the batters box. The batter may touch the lines, but no part of the foot may be outside the lines prior to the pitch. Reworded for Clarification 2011 42 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rule 7 Sec 4 A

43 Tagging Runner Make Rules 8.17.D and 8.18.I consistent regarding tagging runner Current Rule 8 Sec 17.D - The batter-runner is out: If, after a third strike or a fair hit, any fielder, while holding the ball, touches the batter-runner before the batter-runner touches first base; Modification If, after a third strike or a fair hit, any fielder tags out the batter-runner before the batter-runner touches first base; Current Rule 8.18.I Any runner is out when: Touched by a live ball securely held by a fielder or is touched by a fielders glove or hand with the live ball held therein while the runner is not touching base. Modification Tagged out. 2011 43 USSSA Fast Pitch Rule Changes Rules 8 Sec 17 D & Sec 18 I

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