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A School Safety Issue at ACHS

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1 A School Safety Issue at ACHS
The Trouble with Triple C Michael Heitzman

2 What is Triple C? Triple C’s is the slang term for Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold. This medicine is easily abused because it is over-the-counter (OVC) and contains Dextromethorphan or DXM (

3 How is Triple C abused? DXM, the active ingredient, can safely be taken in doses of milligrams. Abusers typically take 360 milligrams or more (Dowshen).

4 What are the effects of Triple C?
Large quantities of DXM can cause a person to: have hallucinations lose their motor control have an out-of-body experience (

5 Who abuses Triple C? Young adults and teenagers are the typical abusers of Triple C and DXM. Reasons: availability low price (

6 Similar to alcohol intoxication Difficulty walking Vomiting Confusion
How might student’s act in the classroom under the influence of Triple C? Similar to alcohol intoxication Difficulty walking Vomiting Confusion Drowsiness (

7 Eyewitness Account “The student appeared to be drunk. She was very groggy and wanted to sleep. The student could not walk straight or maintain a conversation. She had a difficult time making eye-contact.” -Mr. Samples, Dean of Students at ACHS

8 What are the dangers of triple C?
High blood pressure Convulsions Coma Death Mental illness Heart damage Nervous system damage (

9 What are the slang terms used for Triple C?
Orange Crush Red Devils Skittles DXM or Dex Vitamin D Robo Robo-trippin’ Candy (

10 What can we do at the school?
Administrators Observe student behavior Educate parents about the issue Educate teachers about the issue Conduct random searches of student backpacks/ lockers Teachers Be aware of student behavior Error on the side of caution (if in doubt, call for help) Watch for any pills Listen for slang terms associated with Triple C

11 Bottom Line We MUST give our teens something to grab onto that will build a future NOT destroy it!

12 References Dowshen, M. D. (2013, 02). Retrieved from tment/cough_cold_medicine_abuse.html Samples, J. (2014, 02 12). Interview by M Heitzman. Student under influence of Triple C. (2008). Retrieved from abuse.aspx (2013). Retrieved from counter-otc- medicine-abuse/teen-triple-c-addiction-rehab/

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