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How does congressional leadership play a role in congress?

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Presentation on theme: "How does congressional leadership play a role in congress?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does congressional leadership play a role in congress?
What are the leadership roles? What are their jobs? How does this affect the legislation process?

2 What are the leadership Roles?
House Senate

3 House

4 Senate

5 How does congressional leadership play a role in congress?
What are the leadership roles? What are their jobs? How does this affect the legislation process?

6 How does congressional leadership play a role in congress?
What are the leadership roles? What are their jobs? How does this affect the legislation process?

7 What are their Jobs House of Reps Senate

8 House of Reps Speaker of the house Majority Leader Minority Leader

9 House of Reps Speaker of the house Majority Leader Minority Leader

10 Speaker of the House Presiding officer in the house
Non-Partisan Position Sets the majority parties legislative agenda

11 Speaker of the house How do we chose our speaker? Article 1 Section 2
“The House of Representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers”

12 Speaker of the House 2nd in line of succession to the president
John Boehner- Republican from Ohio

13 House of Reps Speaker of the house Majority Leader Minority Leader

14 Majority Leader Floor Leader-
leader of political party in legislature Elected by their parties in a closed door caucus Speaks on behalf of the party he represents

15 Majority Leader Schedules the house floor’s legislative calendar
Directly Manages the house committees

16 House of Reps Speaker of the house Majority Leader Minority Leader

17 Minority Leader Provides campaign assistance to party incumbents and challengers Devise strategies to advance their parties plans Promotes their parties adgenda If their party controls the white house, meet with the president Strives for party Harmony for success

18 Minority Leader The minority leader in congress

19 Shoulder Partner Who is the speaker of the house and how is he chosen?
What is the job of the majority leader? How are the roles of the minority leader and minority whip are different than the positions above?

20 What are their Jobs House of Reps Senate

21 Senate Senate Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader Vice President

22 Senate Majority Leader
Chief spokespeople for their party Manage and Schedule Legislative business Voted into their position by their party’s caucus

23 Senate Majority Leader
Most powerful person in their political Party Most powerful floor leader in the Senate

24 Senate Senate Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader Vice President

25 Senate Minority Leader
Chief spokespeople for their party Manage and Schedule Legislative business Voted into their position by their party’s caucus

26 Senate Minority Leader
Most powerful person in their party The Senate Majority leader has more power than the Minority Leader

27 Senate Senate Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader Vice President

28 Vice President #1 in succession of the President
Cannot vote unless there is a tie in the senate Presides over the Senate

29 Shoulder Partner How do the leadership roles in the senate compare to the leadership roles in the house? Majority Leader Minority Leader Speaker of the House

30 How does congressional leadership play a role in congress?
What are the leadership roles? What are their jobs? How does this affect the legislation process?

31 Majority Whip Majority Leader’s right hand man
Ensures Party Discipline in legislation The House and the Senate both have Majority WHIP’s

32 Minority Whip Minority Leader’s right hand man Enforcer Senate

33 Majority Whip Job of a WHIP House of Cards Episode 9 27 mins
What happens when you cross a WHIP? House of Cards Episode minutes

34 Exit Slip How do the role of the senate majority and minority leaders compare to the job of the house majority and minority leaders. How does the role of the Speaker of the house compare to the Vice President What are the jobs of the WHIP’s? What happens if you go against them?

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