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-First number goes in box Dividing Decimals

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Presentation on theme: "-First number goes in box Dividing Decimals"— Presentation transcript:

1 -First number goes in box Dividing Decimals
Line the decimals up then follow rules for adding whole numbers. Bring decimal straight down. Decimals Adding Line the decimals up then follow rules for subtracting whole numbers. Bring decimal straight down. 5.02 – 1.645 Decimals Subtracting -If there is a decimal outside box then move decimal to make a whole number then move SAME number of places inside -First number goes in box Dividing Decimals -Bring decimal up to quotient then divide 4.62 ÷ 0.12 IGNORE decimal and multiply as usual; then count how many numbers are behind each decimal and move that many times to the left Multiplying Decimals (6.25)(1.031)


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