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Sloths Created by, Hannah.

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Presentation on theme: "Sloths Created by, Hannah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sloths Created by, Hannah

2 Sloths are the slowest mammals on Earth.

3 Sloths live alone, with the exeption of mothers raising their young

4 Sloths feed on leaves, fruit, buds, and young twigs.

5 There are 2 main groups of sloths.

6 Sloths sleep for about 15-18 hours a day.

7 Sloths remain still for much of their life.

8 Sloths eat, sleep, and mate upside down.

9 Most sloths can’t live in zoos.

10 Sloths adapted to living in trees so well they even mate while hanging from branches.

11 Resorces schuh, mari. sloths. mankato, minnisota, north america: capestone, Print.

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