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Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
By: Mildred Taylor
Meet the author Mildred Taylor was born in Jackson, Mississippi, but spent most of her childhood in Toldeo, Ohio. She attended both the University of Toledo and the University of Colorado. When not attending college, Mildred spent two years with the Peace Corps in Ethiopia. By: Mary B. Collins
Let the Circle Be Unbroken
A Newbery Medal Winner Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is a story told through the eyes of a young girl about a land-owning African-American family living in the rural area of Mississippi during the 1930’s, and how they cope the white oppression and racism in order to keep their land. Mildred Taylor has also written The Gold Cadillac Let the Circle Be Unbroken Song of the Trees
Introduction: Activity One
Take out a sheet of paper Make a list of as many things you do because you “have to,” not because you want to. 5 minutes to complete your list
Things we have to do
What is their responsibility
Story Connection As you read Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, you will discover that the characters in this story put aside their own personal desires in order to do What is best What is right What is their responsibility WHY? Would you?
Chapter 1 Vocabulary Pg. Word Definition 5 raucous
Rough-sounding and harsh 6 pensively Deeply, often wistfully or dreamily thoughtful sharecropping Working (land) or growing (crops) as a sharecropper. (tenant farmer who gives a share of crops raised to the landlord in lieu of rent)
Chapter 1 Vocabulary Pg. Word Definition 8 emaciated
Made or became extremely thin (starvation) undaunted Not discouraged or disheartened; courageous 11 morosely Sullenly melancholy; gloomy disdainfully Expressively disdainful; scornfully, contemptuously
Chapter 1 Vocabulary Pg. Word Definition 21 dubious
Fraught with uncertainty or doubt 22 penchant A definite liking; a strong inclination 23 temerity Foolhardy disregard of danger; recklessness 28 chignon A roll or knot of hair worn at the back of the head or at the nape of the neck
Chapter 1 Vocabulary Pg. Word Definition 30 maverick
One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter 31 imperiously Arrogantly domineering or overbearing
Distribute Books
Chapter 2 Vocabulary Pg. Word Definition 34 formidable
Inspiring awe, admiration, or wonder 36 ornate Elaborately, heavily, and often excessively decorated Chiffonier “shiff-on-yay” A narrow, high chest of drawers or bureau, often with a mirror attached
Chapter 3 Vocabulary Pg. Word, part of speech Definition 42
Resiliency, n. The property of a material that enables it to resume its original shape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed 43 Emitted, v. To give or send out matter Donned, v. To put on (clothing)
Chapter 3 Vocabulary Pg. Word, part of speech Definition 44
Embittered, v. To arouse bitter feelings in 47 Flippantly, adv. casually 48 Moronic, adj. Regarded as very stupid 51 Oblivious, adj. Lacking conscious awareness 64 Adamantly, adv. stubbornly
Chapter 3 Vocabulary Pg. Word, part of speech Definition 66 Confer, v.
To meet in order to deliberate together or compare views Precariously, adv. Dangerously lacking in security or stability
Chapter 5 Vocabulary Pg. Word, part of speech Definition 103
Subdued, v. Lacking vitality, intensity, or strength 104 Envisioned, v. Pictured in mind; imagined 112 Retaliated, v. Paid back (an injury) in kind Malevolently, adv. Wishing harm to others; maliciously 113 Sullenly, adv. Morosely or sulkily Ambled, v. Walked slowly or leisurely; strolled
Chapter 6 Vocabulary Pg. Word, part of speech Definition 137
Languidly, adv. Lacking energy or vitality; weakly
Chapter 7 Vocabulary Pg. Word, part of speech Definition 144
Interminable, adj. Being or seeming to be without an end; endless 160 Placid, adj. Satisfied; complacent 164 Boycott, v. To act together in abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with as an expression of protest or disfavor
Chapter 7 Vocabulary Pg. Word, part of speech Definition 168
Insolently, adv. Audaciously rude or disrespectful; arrogantly
Chapter 8 Vocabulary Pg. Word, part of speech Definition 177
Jovial, adj. jolly
Chapter 9 Vocabulary Pg. Word, part of speech Definition 195
Wisteria, n. Any of several climbing woody vines in the pea family with purplish/white flowers 197 Persnickety, adj. snobbish 203 Amenities, n. Social courtesies; pleasantries 204 Chain gang, n. A group of convicts chained together, especially for outdoor labor
Chapter 10 Vocabulary Pg. Word, part of speech Definition 218
Ledger, n. Financial record book 227 Lethargically, adv. Causing sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy 229 Reproachfully, adv. disapprovingly
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